20 Temmuz 2013 Cumartesi

C'est une blague ou quoi?

Mattia Cacciatori

Mattia Cacciatori, journaliste italien placé en garde à vue le 22 Juin 2013. Demande de 7 ans de prison.. Il se demande si cela est une blague...

Mattia Cacciatori


Is that a joke?

Mattia Cacciatori

Italian photographer Cacciatori for whom up to 7 year jail term is demanded for joining the Gezi Park Resistance: "Is that a joke??"

Italian photographer Mattia Cacciatori who was detained during the Gezi Park protests and later released commented about the 7 year jail term demanded for him: "Is that a joke? I was just taking photographs!"

Mattia Cacciatori



An investigation for "Resist" t-shirt



An investigation was launched into the academic Timucin Koprulu's wearing a t-shirt with a print that reads "Resist" during a speech

It was revealed that the rectorate of Uludag University has launched an investigation on Timucin Koprulu who is an Assistant Professor in the university's Law Faculty, for making a speech while wearing a t-shirt with a print on it that read "Resist". Mr. Koprulu stated that he received the process today.


19 Temmuz 2013 Cuma

Blood Nationalism' from Red Crescent

'Blood Nationalism' from Red Crescent, "We will produce National Drug from Halal blood"


Red Crescent will build a plant for producing “national drug” from “halal blood” taken from Turks. 

President of Red Crescent Ahmet Lütfi Akar announced that they’ve started the work for the production of “national drug” derived from the “halal blood” of the Turkish people due to their eating habits.

Akar who announced the construction of the new factory and the support of the PM Tayyip Erdoğan, stated “Red Crescent supply the blood required in Turkey. When the law passed in 2005 we used to collect 305 thousand units of blood. In 2012 we collected 1.469.500 units of blood. We targeted to collect 1.800.000 units of blood. We process the blood thoroughly. We screen viruses. We check out any substance harmful to human health.

“Imports are inadvisable”

"There are drugs that are made of blood derivatives (such as anemia drugs). These drugs are imported from abroad. We do not manufacture ourselves. For that, we spend about $ 500 million. This is a huge loss financially. If we import the drugs from the UK, for example, those are produced from the bloods or plasmas of those people. The eating habits of those people are different, as a Muslim nation, we do not consume pork. We do not consume inadvisable food, however, in imported blood these substances exist.

Turkish Medical Association: We are shocked

President of the Turkish Medical Association Özdemir Aktan: "It is astonishing that two institutions like the Ministry of Health and the Red Crescent are involved with a work such as producing halal drug from halal blood. First of all, there is no scientific evidence to support that the drug derived from national blood will be more effective. Secondly, how can a physician claim this blood is halal or that one is haram. We follow the events with amazement. "

Directorate of religious affairs did not spare their words
Fatwa line of religious affairs: “We do not know what is meant by Halal blood. These are new topics. However, if it is possible to produce drugs from the Halal version, one should prefer that. Otherwise, in emergency, haram becomes halal. If you do not have any other option and you have to use a drug containing pork, then of course you can do that. You would not be committing a sin.”


Prosecutor seeks seven-year jail for flag seller Ali Saricicek!


Prosecutor demanded seven-year jail term for Ali Saricicek, the flag seller who was detained and then released last week.

Saricicek who was detained when selling flags in Taksim was accused of being disobedient to the law of public demonstrations and meetings and obstructing the police officers in the execution of their duty.


First hand account: Damn you 77 times


Dear friends, read carefully what I am about to write: Yesterday, on 16.07.2013, what do you think I came across when I tried to make sense of the traffic fine I received today in the hospital and that was delivered to the municipality we belong to .My mom came to the hospital moments ago, gave me the fine document and said “I will give you both funny and painful news”In the document it said I had to pay 77 TL because I committed the crime of “unnecessarily honking the horn” at 21:21 on June 22nd, 2013.

Aside from thinking “is there such a fine”, I tried to figure out how I was able to honk the horn “unnecessarily” at 21:21 especially since I don’t drive at nights … I started thinking about bad things already.When we were detained, one of the people among us was also brought to the police station for the exact same reasonWhen I was thinking about all these, my mom said that she went to Kurtulus county office to get the fine and the county head told him “hundreds of people come to us continuously to get this sort of fines and end up leaving while swearing” “Many of them were detained” he added.When I heard this the ugly picture got clearer and I remembered immediately:The first evening of my sister’s arrival from the US last month, we visited our Aunt living on Turgut Ozal Boulevard and that was the only time I drove at night as far as I remember. The location where I was fined was around that place.When we were returning home from the visit, I saw people doing “standing man” activity and to support them my sister opened the window and clapped them, and I supported and made my opinion clear by honking the horn a couple of times. Was that the day I got the fine? I looked into my emails immediately. When do you think was the day my sister arrived?

Turkish Airlines Flight TK2 (Aircraft Boeing 777-300ER)Depart (JFK) 21-Jun-2013 (Fri) 06:50pArrive (IST) 22-Jun-2013 (Sat) 11:40a We solved the mystery fine thanks to this information. It was the fascist and dishonest government’s attempt to suppress the citizens who are only using their democratic right in the simplest possible way, through the police forces they hired and made slaves out of in the most contemptible way.77 TL … unnecessarily honking the horn I have never honked the horn necessarily in my lifeYou however sold the country, tortured the public by using your fascist police force, stolen the rights of both the orphans and your own compatriots. Damn you 77 times.


Dün / 16.07.2013 tarihinde, bağlı olduğumuz muhtarlığa tebliğ edilen zarftan çıkan trafik cezasının ne olduğunu bugün hastanede elime geçince anlamaya çalışırken ortaya ne çıktı dersiniz ?!

Annem biraz önce hastaneye gelip ceza tutanağını "Sana hem komik hem de sıkıntılı bir haber vereceğim" diyerek bana verdi...

Tutanakta; 22 Haziran 2013 tarihinde, saat 21:21'de, "Gereksiz Yere Korna Çalmak" suçunu işlediğim ve 77 TL ceza ödemem gerektiği yazıyordu.

"Böyle bir ceza mı var ?!" diye düşünmek bir yana, geceleri özellikle hiç araba kullanmadığım için saatin "21:21'inde" nasıl klaksona "gereksiz" bastığımı çözmeye çalıştım 5 dakika kadar... Aklıma ise kötü kötü şeyler gelmeye başlamıştı bile...

Gözaltına alındığımda aramızdakilerin birisi de bu suç bahane edilerek getirilmişti karakola nitekim...

Bunları düşünürken, annem dün tebligatı almak için Kurtuluş Mahallesi Muhtarlığı'na gittiğini ve muhtarın kendisine "Akın akın yüzlerce insan geliyor bu tarz cezaları teslim almak için ve hepsi de ağır küfürler ederek ayrılıyor Teyze" dediğini belirtti. "Çoğunluğu gözaltına alınan kişiler" diye de eklemiş.

Bunu da duyunca çirkin resim daha da netleşti ve hemen üzerine hafızamdan çekip çıkarttım, hatırladım!;

Ablamın geçen ay Amerika'dan geldiği ilk günün akşamında, Turgut Özal Bulvarı üzerinde oturan teyzemleri ziyarete gitmiştik ve hatırladığım kadarıyla gece araba kullandığım tek gün oydu. Cezayı yediğim yer de orası civarındaydı.

O gün ziyaretten eve dönerken bulvar kenarında "duran adam" eylemi yapan kişiler görmüştük ve destek için ablam pencereyi açıp kısaca alkışlamış, ben de bir iki defa kornaya basarak görüşümü belli etmiş, desteğimi vermiştim. Peki o gün cezayı da yediğim gün müydü?...

Acilen e-postalarıma baktım. Ablamın ise Adana'ya varış günü hangisiydi dersiniz ?!


Turkish Airlines Flight TK2 (Aircraft Boeing 777-300ER)

Depart (JFK) 21-Jun-2013 (Fri) 06:50p

Arrive (IST) 22-Jun-2013 (Sat) 11:40a

TK2466 (AIRBUS A320-232)

Kalkış Atatürk Havalimanı 16:10/ 22 Haz 2013 / Cmt

Varış Adana Havalimanı 17:45/ 22 Haz 2013 / Cmt


Bu cezanın sebebini böylelikle çözdük;

Faşist ve şerefsiz hükümetin, yıllar içerisinde kadrolaştırıp kendi uşağı ettiği kolluk kuvvetlerini kullanarak, demokratik hakkını en sade biçimde kullanıp tepkisini ifade eden halkın üzerinde aşağılık bir biçimde caydırıcı olma çabası idi!

77 TL... Gereksiz Yere Korna Çalmak...

Ben hayatımda hiçbir kornayı daha gerekli yere çalmadım!

Sizse ülkeyi satarak ve faşist kolluk kuvvetlerinizle halka zulmederek; hem tüyü bitmemiş yetimin hakkını hem de kendi halkınızın insan haklarını çaldınız!

Allah 77 Kere Belanızı Versin!

Journalist Bekir Coşkun Ordered to Pay 2,000 Euros






Cumhuriyet newspaper columnist Bekir Coşkun has been ordered to pay roughly 2,000 euros as non-pecuniary damages to PM Erdoğan for defamation due to his article entitled “The Big State Thing...”.



Ankara 9th Assize Court found Cumhuriyet newspaper columnist Bekir Coşkun guilty of “assaulting personality rights of PM Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, ordering the senior journalist to pay roughly 2,000 euros as non-pecuniary damages.

The case was opened upon Coşkun’s article “The Big State Thing...” published on September 20, 2012.

“The aim is to punish dissidents,” Coşkun told bianet.

On the hearing yesterday, Coşkun’s advocates requested the rejection of case on the ground that their client’s article respected the limits of criticism.

Partially accepting advocates claims, the court issued a 5,000 Turkish Lira (roughly 2,000 euros) fine to Bekir Coşkun.

“We will appeal this verdict,” Coşkun said.

“We call this ellipsis (…) case. I have been writing with ellipsis ever since Süleyman Demirel was elected PM. My article doesn’t contain any insults at PM Erdoğan. On the other hand, I was recommended to sue Erdoğan when he called me “a writer whose pen flows dirt” at a parliamentary speech. I didn’t accept it. His job is to talk and my job is to write. Sometimes politicians say extreme things, such is the case with journalists. However, court trials hang above us like the sword of Damocles. My article is not about him in person. It is not about expression or press freedom either. These trials aim to punish and silence dissidents.”

Istanbul 10th Assize Court found journalist Ahmet Altan of insulting PM Erdoğan in his article “State Complicity and Morality” - a Taraf newspaper article dated January 4, 2012. The prominent journalist received 11 months and 20 days of prison, which was later on commuted to to a fine of 2,800 euros. (EA/BM)