20 Temmuz 2013 Cumartesi

C'est une blague ou quoi?

Mattia Cacciatori

Mattia Cacciatori, journaliste italien placé en garde à vue le 22 Juin 2013. Demande de 7 ans de prison.. Il se demande si cela est une blague...

Mattia Cacciatori


Is that a joke?

Mattia Cacciatori

Italian photographer Cacciatori for whom up to 7 year jail term is demanded for joining the Gezi Park Resistance: "Is that a joke??"

Italian photographer Mattia Cacciatori who was detained during the Gezi Park protests and later released commented about the 7 year jail term demanded for him: "Is that a joke? I was just taking photographs!"

Mattia Cacciatori



An investigation for "Resist" t-shirt



An investigation was launched into the academic Timucin Koprulu's wearing a t-shirt with a print that reads "Resist" during a speech

It was revealed that the rectorate of Uludag University has launched an investigation on Timucin Koprulu who is an Assistant Professor in the university's Law Faculty, for making a speech while wearing a t-shirt with a print on it that read "Resist". Mr. Koprulu stated that he received the process today.


19 Temmuz 2013 Cuma

Blood Nationalism' from Red Crescent

'Blood Nationalism' from Red Crescent, "We will produce National Drug from Halal blood"


Red Crescent will build a plant for producing “national drug” from “halal blood” taken from Turks. 

President of Red Crescent Ahmet Lütfi Akar announced that they’ve started the work for the production of “national drug” derived from the “halal blood” of the Turkish people due to their eating habits.

Akar who announced the construction of the new factory and the support of the PM Tayyip Erdoğan, stated “Red Crescent supply the blood required in Turkey. When the law passed in 2005 we used to collect 305 thousand units of blood. In 2012 we collected 1.469.500 units of blood. We targeted to collect 1.800.000 units of blood. We process the blood thoroughly. We screen viruses. We check out any substance harmful to human health.

“Imports are inadvisable”

"There are drugs that are made of blood derivatives (such as anemia drugs). These drugs are imported from abroad. We do not manufacture ourselves. For that, we spend about $ 500 million. This is a huge loss financially. If we import the drugs from the UK, for example, those are produced from the bloods or plasmas of those people. The eating habits of those people are different, as a Muslim nation, we do not consume pork. We do not consume inadvisable food, however, in imported blood these substances exist.

Turkish Medical Association: We are shocked

President of the Turkish Medical Association Özdemir Aktan: "It is astonishing that two institutions like the Ministry of Health and the Red Crescent are involved with a work such as producing halal drug from halal blood. First of all, there is no scientific evidence to support that the drug derived from national blood will be more effective. Secondly, how can a physician claim this blood is halal or that one is haram. We follow the events with amazement. "

Directorate of religious affairs did not spare their words
Fatwa line of religious affairs: “We do not know what is meant by Halal blood. These are new topics. However, if it is possible to produce drugs from the Halal version, one should prefer that. Otherwise, in emergency, haram becomes halal. If you do not have any other option and you have to use a drug containing pork, then of course you can do that. You would not be committing a sin.”


Prosecutor seeks seven-year jail for flag seller Ali Saricicek!


Prosecutor demanded seven-year jail term for Ali Saricicek, the flag seller who was detained and then released last week.

Saricicek who was detained when selling flags in Taksim was accused of being disobedient to the law of public demonstrations and meetings and obstructing the police officers in the execution of their duty.


First hand account: Damn you 77 times


Dear friends, read carefully what I am about to write: Yesterday, on 16.07.2013, what do you think I came across when I tried to make sense of the traffic fine I received today in the hospital and that was delivered to the municipality we belong to .My mom came to the hospital moments ago, gave me the fine document and said “I will give you both funny and painful news”In the document it said I had to pay 77 TL because I committed the crime of “unnecessarily honking the horn” at 21:21 on June 22nd, 2013.

Aside from thinking “is there such a fine”, I tried to figure out how I was able to honk the horn “unnecessarily” at 21:21 especially since I don’t drive at nights … I started thinking about bad things already.When we were detained, one of the people among us was also brought to the police station for the exact same reasonWhen I was thinking about all these, my mom said that she went to Kurtulus county office to get the fine and the county head told him “hundreds of people come to us continuously to get this sort of fines and end up leaving while swearing” “Many of them were detained” he added.When I heard this the ugly picture got clearer and I remembered immediately:The first evening of my sister’s arrival from the US last month, we visited our Aunt living on Turgut Ozal Boulevard and that was the only time I drove at night as far as I remember. The location where I was fined was around that place.When we were returning home from the visit, I saw people doing “standing man” activity and to support them my sister opened the window and clapped them, and I supported and made my opinion clear by honking the horn a couple of times. Was that the day I got the fine? I looked into my emails immediately. When do you think was the day my sister arrived?

Turkish Airlines Flight TK2 (Aircraft Boeing 777-300ER)Depart (JFK) 21-Jun-2013 (Fri) 06:50pArrive (IST) 22-Jun-2013 (Sat) 11:40a We solved the mystery fine thanks to this information. It was the fascist and dishonest government’s attempt to suppress the citizens who are only using their democratic right in the simplest possible way, through the police forces they hired and made slaves out of in the most contemptible way.77 TL … unnecessarily honking the horn I have never honked the horn necessarily in my lifeYou however sold the country, tortured the public by using your fascist police force, stolen the rights of both the orphans and your own compatriots. Damn you 77 times.


Dün / 16.07.2013 tarihinde, bağlı olduğumuz muhtarlığa tebliğ edilen zarftan çıkan trafik cezasının ne olduğunu bugün hastanede elime geçince anlamaya çalışırken ortaya ne çıktı dersiniz ?!

Annem biraz önce hastaneye gelip ceza tutanağını "Sana hem komik hem de sıkıntılı bir haber vereceğim" diyerek bana verdi...

Tutanakta; 22 Haziran 2013 tarihinde, saat 21:21'de, "Gereksiz Yere Korna Çalmak" suçunu işlediğim ve 77 TL ceza ödemem gerektiği yazıyordu.

"Böyle bir ceza mı var ?!" diye düşünmek bir yana, geceleri özellikle hiç araba kullanmadığım için saatin "21:21'inde" nasıl klaksona "gereksiz" bastığımı çözmeye çalıştım 5 dakika kadar... Aklıma ise kötü kötü şeyler gelmeye başlamıştı bile...

Gözaltına alındığımda aramızdakilerin birisi de bu suç bahane edilerek getirilmişti karakola nitekim...

Bunları düşünürken, annem dün tebligatı almak için Kurtuluş Mahallesi Muhtarlığı'na gittiğini ve muhtarın kendisine "Akın akın yüzlerce insan geliyor bu tarz cezaları teslim almak için ve hepsi de ağır küfürler ederek ayrılıyor Teyze" dediğini belirtti. "Çoğunluğu gözaltına alınan kişiler" diye de eklemiş.

Bunu da duyunca çirkin resim daha da netleşti ve hemen üzerine hafızamdan çekip çıkarttım, hatırladım!;

Ablamın geçen ay Amerika'dan geldiği ilk günün akşamında, Turgut Özal Bulvarı üzerinde oturan teyzemleri ziyarete gitmiştik ve hatırladığım kadarıyla gece araba kullandığım tek gün oydu. Cezayı yediğim yer de orası civarındaydı.

O gün ziyaretten eve dönerken bulvar kenarında "duran adam" eylemi yapan kişiler görmüştük ve destek için ablam pencereyi açıp kısaca alkışlamış, ben de bir iki defa kornaya basarak görüşümü belli etmiş, desteğimi vermiştim. Peki o gün cezayı da yediğim gün müydü?...

Acilen e-postalarıma baktım. Ablamın ise Adana'ya varış günü hangisiydi dersiniz ?!


Turkish Airlines Flight TK2 (Aircraft Boeing 777-300ER)

Depart (JFK) 21-Jun-2013 (Fri) 06:50p

Arrive (IST) 22-Jun-2013 (Sat) 11:40a

TK2466 (AIRBUS A320-232)

Kalkış Atatürk Havalimanı 16:10/ 22 Haz 2013 / Cmt

Varış Adana Havalimanı 17:45/ 22 Haz 2013 / Cmt


Bu cezanın sebebini böylelikle çözdük;

Faşist ve şerefsiz hükümetin, yıllar içerisinde kadrolaştırıp kendi uşağı ettiği kolluk kuvvetlerini kullanarak, demokratik hakkını en sade biçimde kullanıp tepkisini ifade eden halkın üzerinde aşağılık bir biçimde caydırıcı olma çabası idi!

77 TL... Gereksiz Yere Korna Çalmak...

Ben hayatımda hiçbir kornayı daha gerekli yere çalmadım!

Sizse ülkeyi satarak ve faşist kolluk kuvvetlerinizle halka zulmederek; hem tüyü bitmemiş yetimin hakkını hem de kendi halkınızın insan haklarını çaldınız!

Allah 77 Kere Belanızı Versin!

Journalist Bekir Coşkun Ordered to Pay 2,000 Euros






Cumhuriyet newspaper columnist Bekir Coşkun has been ordered to pay roughly 2,000 euros as non-pecuniary damages to PM Erdoğan for defamation due to his article entitled “The Big State Thing...”.



Ankara 9th Assize Court found Cumhuriyet newspaper columnist Bekir Coşkun guilty of “assaulting personality rights of PM Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, ordering the senior journalist to pay roughly 2,000 euros as non-pecuniary damages.

The case was opened upon Coşkun’s article “The Big State Thing...” published on September 20, 2012.

“The aim is to punish dissidents,” Coşkun told bianet.

On the hearing yesterday, Coşkun’s advocates requested the rejection of case on the ground that their client’s article respected the limits of criticism.

Partially accepting advocates claims, the court issued a 5,000 Turkish Lira (roughly 2,000 euros) fine to Bekir Coşkun.

“We will appeal this verdict,” Coşkun said.

“We call this ellipsis (…) case. I have been writing with ellipsis ever since Süleyman Demirel was elected PM. My article doesn’t contain any insults at PM Erdoğan. On the other hand, I was recommended to sue Erdoğan when he called me “a writer whose pen flows dirt” at a parliamentary speech. I didn’t accept it. His job is to talk and my job is to write. Sometimes politicians say extreme things, such is the case with journalists. However, court trials hang above us like the sword of Damocles. My article is not about him in person. It is not about expression or press freedom either. These trials aim to punish and silence dissidents.”

Istanbul 10th Assize Court found journalist Ahmet Altan of insulting PM Erdoğan in his article “State Complicity and Morality” - a Taraf newspaper article dated January 4, 2012. The prominent journalist received 11 months and 20 days of prison, which was later on commuted to to a fine of 2,800 euros. (EA/BM)

The Report of Turkish Medical Association's (TTB)

Turkey Must End Violent Response to Protests

Science Magazine

The Turkish Medical Association (TTB) reported that 8121 people were officially admitted to hospitals resulting from police violence between 31 May and 26 June (1). This number includes 5 deaths, 61 life-threatening injuries, 104 head traumas, and 11 ophthalmic injuries, one of which led to loss of an eye due to shots of tear gas canisters from short range (1). Turkish police have used excessive amounts of tear gas (lachrymatory agents) in public (2) and confined spaces such as hospitals or infirmaries, according to international media reports and the TTB (14). Such use of asphyxiating gases in confined spaces is not only extremely dangerous for public health (58), but also strictly limited by international agreements, such as the Geneva Protocol (9), to which Turkey is a signatory. Security forces have used 130,000 tear-gas cartridges in 20 days, and Turkey is planning to buy 100,000 new cartridges (10). Doctors and nurses treating patients affected by tear gas and other police brutality, as well as the Istanbul Medical Chamber General Secretary, have been apprehended by police (1112), a clear violation of customary international and human rights law (13). More than 4000 academics around the world have already signed a petition to protest the police brutality (14). We call upon the Turkish government to obey international law in the treatment of protesters and those providing medical treatment to them, and to start a good-faith dialogue with the protest movement.

18 Temmuz 2013 Perşembe

Ahmet Altan has been sentenced to 11 months 20 days of imprisonment on the grounds of insulting the Prime Minister.


PM Erdoğan won the lawsuits against the journalist Bekir Coşkun & Cumhuriyet newspaper and journalist Ahmet Altan. First Altan was sentenced to 11 months 20 days of imprisonment however this has been converted into cash fine. The court ruled that Ahmet Altan should pay 7 thousand liras.
PM Erdoğan got 5 thousand liras for spiritual damages from the court case he opened against journalist Bekir Coşkun and Cumhuriyet newspaper, on the grounds of “attack on personal rights”.


AK Party demanded the lightest punishment for Zeyid Aslan


In the file sent to AK Party Disciplinary Council, there was a demand for “warning” to Aslan who had reacted with anger to the female journalist, who had taken his photos while sleeping in the gardens of the government in the Parliament, saying “If I take photos of your perineum and publish with the title ‘this is their reality’.. I become immoral right?”
The Disciplinary Council which asked for his defence, reported that the file will be reviewed when the Parliament will be open for the new legislative term in October after the holidays.


Clashes in Syria Leave Child Killed in Turkey

Last night, armed clashes between Free Syrian Army and Syrian-Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) near the Turkish border in Syria left Mahsun Ertuğrul (17) dead in Ceylanpınar district, Urfa.


Last night, armed clashes between Free Syrian Army and Syrian-Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) in the Syrian border district of Ras al-Ayn in Syria left Mahsun Ertuğrul (17) dead in the Turkish district of Ceylanpınar district.

Ahmet Gündüz (15), another victim from Turkey, is currently being hospitalized.

According to various sources, a bullet hit the chest of Mahsun Ertuğrul, a resident of Aydınlık neighborhood in the southeastern district of Ceylanpınar.

Following the first treatment in Ceylanpınar Public Hospital, Ertuğrul was transferred to Mehmet Akif İnan Hospital in neighboring Şanlıurfa province. Mahsun Ertuğrul (17) deceased towards late night despite all medical efforts at ICU.

Ahmet Gündüz has been shot towards late afternoon yesterday. While he is in intensive care at Balıklıgöl Public Hospital in Şanlıurfa, doctors say his situation remains critical.

In addition, some Free Syrian Army

On the other hand, some injured FSA militants have been brought to Ceylanpınar for their treatment. The transfer stirred outrage among Ceylanpınar residents with dozens of people forming protesting the transfer by the hospital gate last night.

A tension was also observed  between police forces and protestors. (EKN/BM)


“Prosecutor Protection” Over Shooter Policeman


Sarısülük family attorneys has submitted an official objection to Ethem Sarısülük murder case indictment, claiming that it was the “mutual product of police chiefs and prosecutors who took up the advocate role for a murder suspect”.

Sarısülük family attorneys has submitted an official objection to Ethem Sarısülük murder case indictment today.

Advocate Kazım Bayraktar submitted an official objection statement to Ankara 6th High Criminal Court Administration, requesting the rejection of case indictment. “This indictment must be rejected as it has been written in order to protect a murder suspect,” the statement said.

It also reminded the fact that the case indictment has been written without a judicial investigation.

Speaking on the indictment, advocate Bayraktar said it was the “mutual product of police chiefs and prosecutors who took up the advocate role for a murder suspect”.

“Negligence” from start to end

The statement listed some of the negligences and obscuring on the case as follows:

Police protected police: Police officers around murder suspect Şahbaz went on a race to protect their colleague. They didn’t collect any evidence on the crime scene. They didn’t submit anything to the prosecutor. They didn’t capture Şahbaz.

Police surveillance camera didn’t record: Nearby surveillance camera was pointed upwards or towards trees by the remote-operating policeman. The evidence was obscured.

Prosecutor didn’t collect evidence: Even though the prosecutor knew the incident, he didn’t hold his duties to collect evidence and find out the identity of the suspected policeman. He gave no related orders. An official request on suspected policeman’s identity has been submitted 6 days after the incident.

Police authorities protected police: Ankara Police Department responded to the identity request 10 days later. Policeman Şahbaz has been sent to the prosecutor’s office 23 days after the incident.

Evidence was not taken into account: Prosecutors did not take into account surveillance camera footage and witness testimonies. They sent the murder victim before the judge with improper interrogation.

Judge didn’t interrogate: The interrogation judge didn’t ask any question regarding the evidence in the case. No evidence was registered in the case file. The judge solely ruled on Şahbaz’s pending trial departing from his testimony.

Policemen lied: According to surveillance camera footage, the incident happened before Şahbaz’s colleagues. However, none of them said they saw the incident.

“Stones” in the reports: Ankara Police Department submitted a report to prosectors, saying that protestors threw 39 stones at Şahbaz. The report based the claim on the witnessing of two police officers who never showed up in any part of the investigation.

Witnesses arrested, threatened: Mehmet Can Tayşan, one of eyewitness on Sarısülük’s shooting moment, has been put into detention list and declared as wanted. Şahin İmga, a witness on testimony list, has been arrested. Burhan Çoban, another source during expert investigation, has been threatened over the phone.

Footage ignored: The indictment came out as a result of the investigation procedure. Some of camera footage has partially been manipulated and ignored.

Prosecutor interpreted subjectively: Prosecutor Veli Dalgalı didn’t interpret the footage in a proper fashion. The suspect has passed weapon use training. In contrast with prosecutor’s remarks, he can’t lose his control over his pointing direction. The gun was fired on purpose.

No self-defense: There is balance between assault and defense when the “attacker” is injured or dead and the attacked has survived without any injuries. Policeman Şahbaz was able to flee from the scene. It is nonsense to discuss whether he overstepped his duties, as there is no self-defense here.

Manipulations on how the incident broke out: Despite witness testimonies and surveillance camera footage, the prosecutor presented the case in the favor of the suspected policeman. (AS/BM)


17 Temmuz 2013 Çarşamba

Sexual torture in the police station

ÜSKÜDARSexual torture in the police station: "cavity search was conducted illegally without an arrest warrant".

A.U. whose search warrant was not erased from her computer records was taken to the police station when she applied for a new passport.". She filed a complaint when she was subject to a "cavity search". 2 police officers involved were sued and prosecutor asked for 3 years of prison for each. 23-year old AU was also sued due to not letting the court know of her address change, which was required due to a previous court case that seized her possessions but gave them back to her as a trustee whereby she cannot move with the possessions without communicating the address change.


16 y.o. Kid Charged With 7 Years of Prison


Detained on June 2 for “attending Gezi Park protests”, M.Y. (16) has been charged with up to 7 years of prison and roughly 20,000 euros fine. The indictment, on the other hand, has yet to include any evidence. 

On June 2, police forces stopped M.Y. (16) on his way home in Istanbul’s Beşiktaş district, detaining and attacking M.Y. severely inside the police vehicle.

Istanbul Prosecutor’s Office submitted a lawsuit today against a group of individuals who gathered for protests in Dolmabahçe, Beşiktaş.

“Police warned the group to break up by themselves. Since protestors threw stones in response, police dispersed the group balanced force and detained M.Y. on the runaway.

Police beatings in detention van

“M.Y. was initially taken to Juvenile Crimes Police Department in Beşiktaş. His nose was deformed due to beatings in the detention van. He also suffered from several scratches and bruises on his body,” defense attorney Tuğçe Avşar told bianet.

She continued that a medical report provided by Istinye Public Hospital did not mention the wounds inflicted on her client.

“I requested the prosecutor for his re-examination and he allowed it. M.Y.’s wounds were documented then. His family will file a complaint on policemen.”

No evidence in indictment

Prosecutors charged M.Y. with “refusing to cooperate with law enforcement officials, refusing to disperse a crowd despite police warning and resisting against the police to hold their duties” according to Turkish Penal Code Articles 265/1-3. and 2911, as well as Public Gathering and Demonstrations Law Article 32/1.

M.Y. is facing prison sentences from 21 months up to 7 years, as well as fines ranging from 4,000 to 20,000 euros.

“There is no solid evidence against my client. It is already cited in the indictment with expression like ‘all investigation is inclusive’. This is unlawful because all evidence must be cited. They didn’t write anything because they don’t actually have anything,” Avşar said.

M.Y. is currently the only defendant who will stand trial. (AS/BM)

* Photo credit: İslam Yakut / AA


Large operation on June resistance in Istanbul

Raids and arrests against Istanbul’s June resistance continues. More than 50 people were detained in the operations.
Public Houses President Ilknur Birol’s house after police search...

i3 i1 i2
Update: 12:06
Yigit Ergun got detained and his helmet and some of his books were taken away.
Baris Alpugan’s professor didn’t allow the police when they tried to detain him during his exam at Capa Medical School
Update: 11:26
The names to be detained and whose houses to be searched: Cengizhan Cora, Uğur Gümüşkaya, Ramazan Akgün, Burak Sayım, Engin Uğur, Gökay Işık, Cihan Uyanık, Çağla Ural, Ozan Erdoğan, Erdem Arslan, Denizcan Sarıkaya, Andaç Yıldırım, Ersin Keleş, İsmail Cem Bakır, Tahir Özgür Kütahya, Uğur Cucu, Ali Coşkun, Yiğit Ergün, Bircan Birol, Cem Erarslan, Naim Göktaş, Damla Arslan, Sezai Keskin, Şehmuz Altay, Barış Alpuğan, Zafer Alpuğan, İbrahim Okan Özkan, Savaş Çiçek, Nevzat Behzar, Münir Aktan, Deniz Bin, Devrim Yılmaz, Düzgün Polat, Erkan Kurç, Mustafa Ali Bülbül, Selçuk Kalaycıoğlu, Deniz Umur Şahin, Hüseyin Demirezen, İlhan Çoban, Meriç Yapışkan, Okay Koçak, Umut Öner, Ceren Çoban, Hasret Deniz Özçelik, Okan Çevik, Cihat Parıltı, Ahmet Paket, Hasan Mert Kaynar, Ömer Yıldız, Güneş Atalay, Bulut Baran Korku, Uğur Karakuş, Şahin Berber, Kadir Ev, Cahit Atalay.

Update: 10:20
CHP members got detained during morning raids. According to Gercekgundem, Sancaktepe Youth Assocation President Onur and his 5 friends’ houses were raided at around 4:00. Search continued for 3 hours. Student Association member Cengiz Han Cora also got detained
Update: 10:08
According to Odatv, TGB Istanbul Executive Gizem Dogan told that the police who raided their house asked her about Gazdanadam (GasMan) Festival.
Update: 10:01
Scandalous information getting received about June raids.
Police, who detained the head of Student Association, stated that it was an act of thievery to not get any negative reaction.
Police detained his brother Zafer when they could not find the Turkish Youth Association Istanbul Executive Baris Alpuga at home.
Update: 9:45
It was stated that the reason behind the search at Ilknur Birol’s home was the arrest warrant for Bircan Birol.
Update 9:38
The names of the Student Association members who got detained:
Özgür Kütahya, Yiğit Ergün, Erdem Aslan, Gökay Işık, Cem Eraslan, Hasan Mert Kaynar, Ali Coşkun, Uğur Gümüşkaya, Ozan Erdoğan, Uğur Cucu, Deniz Can Sarıkaya ve Deniz Hasret Özçelik.
Update: 9:30
According to Ayca Soylemez’s Twitter feed, Public houses ex-President Ilknur Birol’s home was also searched.
Update: 9:21
Attorney Pinar Akbina announced the crime evidence on Twitter:
What got detained this morning from metal worker HKP Sancaktepe general secretary Deniz Bin’s home was such a joke: vinegar, raincoat, flashlight
Update: 9:19
According to news on ETHA, in Istanbul Sancaktepe district, police raided 56 homes simultaneously at 05:00. 26 people were detained and the number may increase.
Among the detained were the readers of Free Future and Revolutionist Democracy journals.
AkaDer President Altan Acikdilli in his written statements stated that AkaDER Sancaktepe President, member Duzgun Polat and Leverage reader Selcuk Kalaycioglu got detained.
HKP Sancaktepe District secretary Deniz Bin’s home is being searched.
Update: 08:55
The number of detained members of Student Associations increased to 12.
Istanbul woke up again with new of dawn raids. The news on detained are as follows until now:
- Istanbul started the day with arrests. At least 10 members of Student Association got detained.
- It is stated that High-schooler Young Hope members are also detained.
- Homes of 4 TGB members are searched including TGB Istanbul President Olgu Ozdemir
- HKP Sancaktepe District President’s Deniz Bin’s home was searched for “encouraging public to revolt”


16 Temmuz 2013 Salı

Suspect Released Under Judicial Control

The only suspect on the killing of Gezi Park protestor Ali Ismail Korkmaz has been released last night under judicial control. “There is little possibility that suspect is the doer of the killing. We regard the court’s decision as normal,” Korkmaz’s advocate said.


The only suspect on the killing of Gezi Park protestor Ali Ismail Korkmaz has been released last night under judicial control. Detected and detained through surveillance camera footage albeit not mentioned in the case file, suspect was ordered international travel ban and mandatory police station visit twice a week.

There is little possibility that suspect is the doer of the killing. We regard the court’s decision as normal,” Önder Öztürk, Korkmaz’s advocate, told bianet.

He continued that they were rather suspecting of police involvement in the killing. “No investigation has been made on probable suspects,” he said.

“The suspect confirmed in his testimony that he was there when the incident occurred. He said he was walking to his car as some protestors argued with him. He also admitted using a baton to counter-attack protestors.”

Suspect pleaded not guilty

"The suspect is said to have assaulted other people. However, there is no strong suspicion of assault on Korkmaz. His release has got to do with this, I think. People are thinking of police involvement in this incident. The social reflex is significant in the capture of suspects. If this suspect was arrested, reflexes could have altered.”

“I hope the investigation will speed up in the days to come and new suspects will be captured. There is more than one culprit in this case and no progress has been made. I hope social reflexes will contribute to the capture of suspects." (BK/BM)


From Police To Mücella Yapıcı: 'You have to serve Allah'

207551061Cansu Yapıcı, who had been taken under custody with her mother Mücella Yapıcı, reported that one of the police officers harassing them said to her mother “You need to dedicate your soul (to die), you have to serve Allah”

Cansu Yapıcı, daughter of Mücella Yapıcı, cited to newspaper soL, the details of physical and psychological violence applied during police custody to Taksim Solidarity members who were taken under custody on July 8th for trying to enter Gezi Park which was actually reopened by Governor of Istanbul Hüseyin Avni Mutlu.

"We'll make detailed body search, drop your pants"
Cansu Yapıcı, whose mother Mücella Yapıcı was taken under custody along with her, declared that they have been exposed to verbal abuse of police officers from the very moment they were taken under custody, and told the following:

“At that moment my mother wasn't feeling good, almost fainting, a male police officer said to my mother 'You need to dedicate your soul (to die), you have to serve Allah'. A woman police officer said 'Wait, this is nothing compared to what we'll do to you'. One of our friends wasn't allowed to use restroom from the moment we were held on the police custody vehicle; they were constantly saying 'Soil your pants, why should we care'. After first body search when we descended to custody cells, they told that this time they were going to perform detailed body search. I objected to that, but they still said 'we'll perform detailed body search, drop your pants'. The made us drop our pants till our knees and then drop our underpants and they made us bend forward. They did the same thing to my 62 years old mother."

"We had to put a great struggle to take our medications back"
“After that once again we weren't allowed to use the restroom for 7-8 hours. When we demanded to go to restroom they constantly said 'soil your pants, why should we care, do it to on the cell floor'. Males were held in a larger cell, females were held in smaller cells two by two. I was with my mother. Ceiling of our cell had a little opening for air to come in; when cells started to protest the situation, especially the need for restroom, they took my mother to another cell with no opening for air. My mom regularly uses 10-15 pills. She is a cardiac patient. We had to put another struggle get our medications. The first two days they treated us brutally."

"Soil your pants!"
“When they took us to restroom later, which was a men's restroom, we saw that there was a camera. We protested against that too, and once again they subjected us to verbal abuse saying that 'soil your pants'. During the whole custody period, police officers were constantly saying 'you'll stay here for longer, it's undecided when you will be released' in order to exert psychological pressure."

"This costs state money"
President of Istanbul Chamber of Electrical Engineers (EMO) Beyza Metin as well told soL newspaper what they went through:

“On purpose they weren't giving us water. They gave us half a liter or less water per day and it wasn't sufficient. There were times they didn't allow us to use restrooms at all and we had to wait 3-4 hours. They were arranging on purpose that there wasn't any female police officers while they took us to restroom, they did this every single time. They limited our phone calls to just 30 seconds. They took the phone from my hand by force and harassed by saying 'This costs state money'. Imagine, we were unable to communicate with anybody.

There, among us, they put a the stongest pressure on Mücella Yapıcı, and they tried to demoralize her. They separated her from her daughter, and put her in a cell in isolation. We encountered serious psychological pressure mechanism.”


Osman Erden Shares His Police Violence Story

“The attitude of political power on police authorities brings along the violence,” said Osman Erden, assistant professor at MSGSÜ who has been subjected to police violence and detained on Saturday during a TMMOB press statement in downtown Istanbul.


Osman Erden, assistant professor of history at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University who has been subjected to police violence and detained on Saturday during a TMMOB press statement in downtown Istanbul, shared his story with bianet.

Released on early Sunday morning, Erden acknowledged the efforts of MSGSÜ President Yalçın Karadağ, Sociology Department Dean Ali Akay and volunteer advocated of Istanbul Bar Association.

“However,” Erden continued, “some people are not as lucky as I am.”

Rubber bullets followed by police assault

Erden said he was in Taksim Square to attend a press statement by TMMOB - Turkey’s main union for architect and engineers chambers.

“However, police attacks began even before I got there. Scorpions [a police vehicle] were roaming. Rubber bullets hit me first. I found refuge at a friend’s cafe. When I took the street again, I was attacked by 10-15 policemen. Those wounds and swellings in my lips and head were caused by those policemen.”

As police took me to police detention van, Erden said, I shouted my name and teaching position at MSGSÜ. “I was assaulted on the way to the police van, too. But no assaults took place after the detention.”

“In the van, I saw a construction worker who was originally from Uzbekistan. He had nothing to do with protests. I don’t know why he was detained. They didn’t assault him. They were going to deport him.”

“I was taken to Taksim Ilk Yardim Hospital. But I wasn’t admitted there, maybe because it was full. I was then taken to Kasımpaşa Police Station and Haseki Hospital. They gave my medical report there.”

Erden told bianet that MSGSÜ President and Sociology Department Dead was waiting for him at the police station.

“I wouldn’t be out so quickly if it weren’t for the president and dean. Volunteers advocates from Istanbul Bar Association were also of great help. I was lucky, but some people are not as lucky as I am,”

“Police treated fairly under detention”

Erden said the following regarding the overall police violence during Gezi Resistance:

“from the start, Gezi Park protests aim no violence in essence. The attitude of political power on police authorities brings along the violence. It is not fair to blame police authorities for everything, only some among those are inclined to violence.”

“Under detention, 3 police officers accompanied me and treated fairly. So did the police chief at Kasımpaşa Station. Probably it was about the support I received from the university president and department dean. The police chief invited me to his room and we talked about art while sipping our teas.”

Erden also had a health check-up at a private clinic after his release. He will file a lawsuit to Istanbul Crisis Desk regarding his detention after compiling a series of documents including various images and videos of his detention along with medical records. (BK/BM)

* Photo credit: radikal.com.tr


15 Temmuz 2013 Pazartesi

CNN International: We did not and will not apologise


Senior Vice President for CNN International Ms. Khosravi had a meeting yesterday with Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Bülent Arınç.

According to initial information received from Ankara, CNN International was said to have apologised for publishing on its website a picture from the ruling party's meeting in Kazlicesme with the subtitle "Anti-government protests". After the apology news spread, CNN International PR published a statement on its official Twitter account: "CNN stands for its Turkey broadcasts. We did not and will not apologise for our unbiased broadcasts."


They took my flags away, my family is starving.


They took my flags away, my family is starving.

Those who were taken into custody and consecutively detained on charges of “encouraging the people to revolt” during the Gezi protests shared their strong reactions with the MPs from CHP who visited them. Flag salesman Ali Sarıçiçek; who stated that as he is in jail, his wife and 5 kids are starving; protested against the fact that flags with pictures of Atatürk were recorded as evidence against him.

The narrative of the detainees appeared in MPs report as below:

They use us in the ward

Veli Ağbaba, CHP MP from Malatya, and Özgür Özel CHP MP from Manisa visited the 9 detainees, who claim to have been abused, with special permission from Ministry of Justice. The MPs reported that all the detainees said they were in separate wards and with criminal convictions.

The MPs said, “Some young detainees states that they are being given the duty of serving others, that they were forced to be on guard; that they’ve been asked to conduct lots of work from cooking tea to cleaning or to washing the clothes;  and sometimes they’ve been threatened too.”

We took refuge in the police station; they arrested us

Ahmet Kayce (Born in 1990, Eruh): I’m working in a job where I earn 600-700 TL. We ran away from the tear gas and took refuge in Beyoğlu Police Station. They detained us there, they did not ask questions, they did not ask for our identities. Another friend was released, I did not understand why they detained me. I’ve never imagined I would be detained in the police station I took refuge.

Umut Akgün (Born in 1988, Hozat): I’m a computer programmer and Management student in the Open University. My wife is one of the teachers who did not get assignment. We were sitting in Mis Street with my mother, father and my cousin. We were drinking beer. After the gas attack, we took refuge in an inn. Police repeatedly threw gas bombs into the inn.  Later, they entered the building and took us under custody by beating us. We were beaten as we were taken 5 floors down, they cursed. They cursed and insulted my mother.  My mother, my father, my wife and my cousin we all went out together, we sit at the same location, we entered the same inn. My cousin is free, I’m in prison.

Flag with picture of Atatürk confiscated

Ali Sarıçiçek (Flag salesman): I make my living by selling flags in sport games or in protests. I have 5 kids. The eldest one works in a belt store for 150 TL. The household has no other source of income. My wife, my kids are hungry. I was selling flags; I got tired and decided to return home. They did not let me cross the police barricade; they only let go 2 Americans who showed their passports. I got angry, yelled with my hands up. At that moment, TOMA sprayed pressured water, my flags got wet. I went mad and walked away while yelling. They took me under custody 2 blocks away, where I was sitting on the pavement to rest.  My flags remained in the police station, they did not hand them back to my family. They’ve registered the evidence as Turkish flag with picture of Ataturk. The man with machete is in Morocco and I’m here.

BEŞİKTAŞ is my right and my left.

İbrahim Halilullah Turan (Born in 1993): My house was raided; they got the unexploded gas bomb that I had taken home. That was the only evidence against me. I’m most offended by expressions such as “Çarşı was bribed; they received instructions from someone etc.”. The very first night, we run to Taksim and to İstiklal by our own will. The same police who made our life unbearable after each soccer game was now beating others. We went to protest against the police. When we saw the Çarşı flags, we united. The following days, we convened and marched together. I have nothing to do with politics. In the last elections, I went to the ballot box and wrote “Beşiktaş is my right and my left”.

Mehmet Yalçın (Born in 1979): I have no affiliation whatsoever either with interest loby or jewish loby, I come from the Seyyid lineage. I approached the police barricade. I said “do not use force, it’s a shame”, on that basis they detained me saying “take him, take”. The photo that I have standing in İstiklal street was the evidence.

Ahmet Erol (Born in 1980 doğumlu, married for a week): I was detained walking in front of a shopping mall

They slipped masks into my hands

Oğuz Tekin (Born in 1990, ITU Physics student): During mass detentions, police registered the mask, the goggles and the helmet as mine.

Ali Can Sünnetçioğlu (Born in 1990, Senior at the Faculty of Law): They beat us a lot. Police slipped gas masks into our hands.

Özgür Yıldırım (born in 1994, Mersin University PR student): I had no mask or nor goggles. They detained by beating me. They beat me hard when taking down from Rumeli Inn.


14 Temmuz 2013 Pazar

Letter from PHR, WMA, GMA and CPME to PM Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to stop the use of tear gas and excessive force


PHR Documents Improper Use of Tear Gas and Unnecessary Force on Demonstrators in Turkey,

Letter to Turkish Prime Minister Follows In-Country Investigation, Seeks to Stop Excessive Violence and Unlawful Detentions

Physicians for Human Rights (PHR), the World Medical Association (WMA), the German Medical Association (GMA) and the Standing Committee of European Doctors/Comité Permanent des Médecins Européens (CPME) sent a letter to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan today asking his government to immediately stop the use of tear gas and excessive force, which has led to the deaths of five civilians and more than 8,000 injuries among demonstrators. PHR also expressed concern over deliberate attacks on medical personnel and facilities, and unlawful detentions of a number of individuals, including the secretary general of the Istanbul Chamber of Medicine.

A team from PHR returned from Turkey last week after conducting interviews with more than 30 health professionals, survivors, and witnesses to the recent attacks on demonstrators. Those interviewed include Dr. Ali Cerkezoglu, secretary general of the Istanbul Chamber of Medicine, who was among those arrested in Istanbul on Monday without a warrant. He was reportedly assisting with the reopening of Gezi Park, which has been at the center of a brutal police crackdown following peaceful demonstrations that began in late May.

Our investigation in Turkey confirmed that the government has been engaged in the excessive and unnecessary use of force—including using tear gas as a weapon of mass scale—which has claimed several lives and led to thousands of injuries,” said Dr. Vincent Iacopino, PHR’s senior medical advisor, who was part of the team that spent a week in Istanbul and Ankara conducting interviews. “We’re also extremely worried about the deliberate attacks on medical professionals and unlawful detentions of key leaders, including Dr. Cerkezoglu. It is imperative that doctors and other health workers are not targeted for doing their vitally important work of helping the wounded.”

Police have systematically used about 130,000 canisters of tear gas on hundreds of thousands of demonstrators, often at close range and in closed spaces. The Turkish Medical Association gathered evidence on more than 8,000 injuries due to tear gas, rubber bullets, water cannons, beatings, and live ammunition. Fifty-nine protestors have been seriously wounded, 11 others lost their eyes, and five civilian deaths have been linked to unnecessary and/or excessive use of force against protestors and other related injuries.

PHR, the Turkish Medical Association, and the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey have pointed out that law enforcement officials have deliberately attacked medical personnel and facilities, and beaten and illegally detained dozens of medical personnel for providing emergency medical care to the injured. A bill seeking to criminalize the provision of emergency medical care to not only the demonstrators, but anyone in need, remains on the agenda in Turkey’s parliament. If passed, the law would stand in sharp contrast to the Turkish Penal Code, which makes it a crime for medical personnel to neglect their obligation to provide emergency medical care.

In today’s letter, PHR and three leading medical groups called on the Turkish government to end the use of tear gas as it has been used as a weapon on a massive scale; prohibit attacks on medical personnel who provide care to the injured; support the independence and autonomy of the Turkish Medical Association and the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey; and immediately release and cease further detention of those who are simply exercising their right to peaceful protests.

A copy of the letter can be found here (pdf).

- http://physiciansforhumanrights.org/press/press-releases/phr-documents-improper-use-of-tear-gas-and-unnecessary-force-on-demonstrators-in-turkey.html

- http://www.wma.net/en/40news/20archives/2013/2013_20/index.html

12 Temmuz 2013 Cuma

Scandal on 3rd Bosphorus Bridge


3rd Bridge construction has started on a wrong location, out of the position indicated by project. All zoning plans on this area have been cancelled with the signature of Minister.

It turned out that 3rd Bridge construction has started on a wrong location out of the position indicated by project. All zoning plans on this area has been cancelled with the signature of Minister. Therefore it is understood that hundred thousands of trees were cut down for nothing. The cancellation decision of ministry has been communicated to metropolitan municipality and 15 district municipalities.


Taksim Solidarity Members Freed


An Istanbul court freed 12 member from Taksim Solidarity who have been charged with prison sentences for “founding a crime organization”.

Taksim Solidarity members  Akif Burak Atlar, Mücella Yapıcı, Ali Çerkezoğlu, Ahmet Kamil Tekerek, Beyza Metin, Ender Imrek, Mehmet Sabri Orcan, Süleyman Solmaz, Haluk Ağabeyoğlu, Arda Mustafa Aytaç, Aral Demircan ve Erdem Ateş have been charged with prison sentences for “founding a crime organization” (Turkish Penal Code Article 220), violating public demonstration law (Law 2911) and assaulting police officers.

Towards 11:20 pm local time last night, Istanbul 38th Peace Criminal Court freed all the suspects from Taksim Solidarity.

“We were detained as soon as the park was reopened”

“We are used to late night raids, we are used to late night legislations, we even learned about bulldozers in Gezi Park on the late night of May 27,” Mücella Yapıcı testified to court.

“They said the park was reopened on July 6. After hearing that, my daughter and I headed to the park to join our friends. I was wondering how its landscape changed. We went there and we were met by a TOMA. They asked us where we were going. Why? Because it was ‘unlawful’. What is unlawful about going to a park? They started pushing us. My friends protected me for the sake of my health. They were detained because of me.

“They continued pushing us into a circle. They pulled my daughter’s hair to detain her. I don’t let go off my kid. And I didn’t there either. They detained me too.”

Communist Party of Turkey Istanbul Chairperson Kamil Tekerek, on the other hand, said he went to the park as he heard of its reopening. “I was then confronted by the police,” he said.
“We are not afraid of anything. It is an honor to be here,” Haluk Ağabeyoğlu said. “10 million people took the streets. It is the government who is afraid and committing crimes. I would like to believe that your honor can rule a decision according to public conscious as a  man of law.”

Ender Imrek said the following: “People were detained unlawfully. I told police to detain me if they would detain Mücella Yapıcı. This is how they put me into the police vehicle. I am standing before you [your honor] charged with “founding a crime organization”.

“I have attended some press statements of Taksim Solidarity and some pro-environmental protests. These crime organization or related charges are due to the atmosphere that the government is creating.”

Beyza Metin stated that Taksim Solidarity is constituted by labor and professional organizations. “If we are a crime organization, why did PM meet us?” she said.

“I heard that the park was reopened and I was detained on the way,” Aral Demircan said.

Arda Mustafa Aytaç also said he heard about the park’s reopening when he was taking a walk nearby. “We decided to go there and read some. The entry was forbidden again as we were heading there. People were dispersing, we got stuck in the middle of fleeing people.”

Finally, Ali Çerkezoğlu denied the possibility that he might have founded a crime organization as he was the secretary of a medicines’ chamber. “What I am doing is about my profession and it is all my responsibility.” (AS/BM)


AKP Deputy Aslan Harasses, Insults Women Journalists

AKP’s Tokat province deputy Zeyid Aslan harassed women journalists, saying that “If I snap a photo of your thighs and publish it...”



“If I snap a photo of your thighs and publish it, I become immoral person because I say it is their reality. Huh?”

Such were the words of Justice and Development Party (AKP) Tokat province deputy Zeyid Aslan who harassed women journalists.

According to Gazetevatan.com news website, some deputies fell asleep in Turkey’s Parliament due to extended working hours to finish up the legislation of a omnibus bill.

Sözcü newspaper published a photo of Zeyid Aslan who was sleeping in the parliament courtyard with feet out of his shoes.

Yesterday, Aslan verbally harassed and threatened women women journalists in the parliament courtyard:

“In the next election term, no journalists will enter here. I won’t let you in here. I will do whatever I can to do avoid that. I will struggle for it. Do you think you are doing journalism here? We are also human beings, we get exhausted too. If I snap a photo of your thighs and publish it, I become immoral person because I say it is their reality. Huh? For some reason, what you do is called journalism.

Previously condemned for swearing

Previously Aslan also insulted CHP Tunceli province deputy Kamer Genç, an action that resulted a condemning penalty from the Parliament. However, no charges have been made in AKP’s Disciplinary Board on the ground that he could not be grounded twice due to a single act. (NV/BM)


11 Temmuz 2013 Perşembe

Interesting claim from father of Mustafa Ali who is in intensive care unit


The treatment in intensive care unit of Mustafa Ali Tombul, who is wounded by being hit on the head with a launched teargas grenade on the day GEZİ park was reopened, continues. The claim about the police from his father Mehmet Tombul, who can see his son only once a day as he is still in critical condition, will stir some controversy.

Mustafa Ali Tombul from İzmir who is wounded by being hit on the head with a teargas grenade launched during the police intervention to the public forum on Gezi Park on the day Istanbul Governor Hüseyin Avni Mutlu and Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Kadir Topbaş reopened Gezi Park, is still in critical condition. Mustafa Ali Tombul, who is being treated on Taksim First Aid and Research Hospital where Lobna Allami also was treated, got worse when doctors stopped medication to let him wake up.



Following this, doctors decided to keep Mustafa Ali Tombul in sleep by drug induced coma. Mehmet Tombul, father of Mustafa Ali Tombul from whome a skull fragment was removed and transplanted to abdominal cavity, said that his son was shot on purpose. Mehmet Tombul said his son sustained heavy brain damage, and said "Only himself knew about the moment he was shot. Do you know how terrible is this? I try to put myself on his place. I really want to live that moment". Father Mehmet Tombul continued as: "My son is in critical condition, my son wasn't a protestor. He had went to Istanbul to travel. I wan't everybodys' prayers to make Ali recover to his former health".


Mehmet Tombul continued as follows: "Police is trying to enter to Intensive Care Unit that even I can hardly enter. No one has the right to enter there. They can ask the doctors, they can ask the chief of medicine. Nobody called me after this happened. I want this to be investigated. And I'll do what I can do to find who is responsible".


Le gouvernement turc change le lieu du match Galatasaray-Fenerbahçe à Skopje- le capital de Macédoine


Le gouvernement turc change le lieu du match Galatasaray-Fenerbahçe à Skopje- le capital de Macédoine. Il a été révélé que le super jeu entre les deux équipes Galatasaray et Fenerbahçe peut avoir lieu à Skopje. Derrière cette décision, il semble avoir la peur d’AKP d’une immense contestation anti-gouvernementale. Le mois précèdent, le gouvernement avait déclaré que tous les tickets des jeux Méditerranéens qui se tenaient à Mersin, étaient épuisés, pour éviter l’assemblage d’une foule anti-gouvernementale. Le gouvernement avait amené en bus des personnes appartenant à leur parti et habitant dans d’autres villes de la Turquie.


Demande de détention provisoire pour Mucella Yapıcı et 11 personnes


Demande de détention provisoire pour Mucella Yapıcı et 11 personnes

12 personnes placées en garde a vue pendant les manifestations de Taksim et conduits au palais de justice, sont transférées au tribunal avec la demande de détention provisoire.

49 personnes dont 8 femmes placées en garde a vue suite aux évènements qui ont eu lieu à Taksim lundi, ont été conduites au Palais de Justice d’Istanbul. Mucella Yapıcı qui avait été libérée hier en raison de ses problèmes de santé est venue au palais pour donner son témoignage. Les suspects ont été interrogés pendant 5 heures par le procureur.

Apres l’interrogation 38 personnes ont été délibérées faute d’évidence et 12 personnes ont été conduites au tribunal avec demande de détention provisoire.

5 personnes dont Mucella Yapıcı et Ali Cerkezoglu sont accusées de ‘monter une organisation pour commettre un délit’ ‘résister aux forces de police’ ‘s’opposer a la loi de manifestation’.

Le 12 personnes qui sont conduites au tribunal sont : Mücella Yapıcı, Ali Çerkezoğlu, Akif Burak Atlar, Ahmet Kamil Tekerek, Beyza Metin, Ender İmrek, Mehmet Sabri Orcan, Süleyman Solmaz, Haluk Ağabeyoğlu, Arda Mustafa Aykaç, Aral Demircan ve Erdem Ateş.


Request to arrest for Mücella Yapıcı and 11 people


Request to arrest for Mücella Yapıcı and 11 people

12 people which also includes Mücella Yapıcı who were taken in custody during protests on Taksim and transferred to palace of justice, have been transferred to court with request to be arrested.


Intervention for Demolition of Congress and AKM Buildings



It turned out that the "zoning law package" added to agregate motion in midnight contains controversial arrangements. The arrangement that revokes the planning authority of Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects, also empowers the Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning as the sole authority on all zoning plan making.

With this arrengement it will become much easier to demolish the Public Relations building of Congress and Atatürk Cultural Center (AKM) Building.


According to the arrangement accepted on TBMM, for the changes and revisions on maps, parcellation plans, technical and administrative plans the opinion and permission from the first architect will be no longer required.


Maps, plans, architectural etudes and projects will no longer be subject to the approval of any organisations other than those listed on the new law, including profession chambers.


El gobierno turco tiene miedo de protestos y cambia el derby Galatasaray-Fenerbahce de Estambúl a Skopje


El gobierno turco anùnció que el derby entre los equípos Galatasaray y Fenerbahce podría ser jugado en Skopje, la capital de Macedonia. El gobierno turco tiene miedo que el match se devuelte en un protesto contra el gobierno. El mes pasado, de misma manera el gobierno declaró todos los boletos para los Juegos Mediterraneos todos vendidos para que nadie proteste contra ellos, y transportarón sus miembros con autobuses de otras ciúdades.


Turkish government scared of protests - moves GS-FB supercup game outside the country to Skopje


The Turkish government changes the location of the Galatasaray-Fenerbahce soccer match to Skopje - capital of FYROM.
It was announced that the super match between the two most popular soccer clubs Galatasaray and Fenerbahce might move to Skopje as the AKP government is afraid of the soccer game turning into a huge anti-government protest. The preceding month, the government also declared all the tickets as sold out for the Mediterranean Games hosted in Mersin to avoid booing by the anti-government crowds and had brought in by buses their own party-men from other cities.


19 Ordered to Pay 4,500 Euros for Pot&Pan Protest


Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (TIHV) released a statement, saying that 101 demonstrators were arrested during Gezi Resistance protests across Turkey with charges including “raiding a mosque”. Those who joined the protests by making noise with pots and pans were ordered to pay a total of 9,880 lira (roughly 4,500 euros).

Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (TIHV) released a statement, saying that 3,482 demonstrators were detained and 101 arrested during Gezi Resistance protests across Turkey.

Some of the arrest charges included “being a member or leader of an illegal organization”, “property damage”, “having arms and bullets” or “raiding a mosque”.

59 detainees have been transferred today to Istanbul Courthouse for their testimonies.

“10 individuals have been fined 88 liras (roughly 40 euros) each for making noise by pans and pots, while 9 students have been fined 1000 liras (roughly 450 euros) for the same charges,” TIHV statement said.

“According to statistics released by Interior Ministry, protestors have been organizing forums across Turkey (except Bingöl and Bayburt provinces) to continue their struggle on their basic rights and freedoms despite police violence since May 27.”

Aggressors with scimitar roam freely, protestors under detention

The statement also cited an incident on Saturday where 4 people attacked civilians with choppers.

“Following the cancellation of construction projects in Taksim by Istanbul 1st Administration Court, police attacked with water cannons and rubber bullets at people who assembled in Taksim Square and Istiklal Avenue on July 6.

“Throughout the night, 4 individuals who are rumored to be local business owner around Taksim area, attacked civilians with choppers in the back streets of Taksim Square and Istiklal Avenue.”

“On July 7, a court released the aforementioned four individuals who were charged with arrest. The same night, 59 people were detained and scores were injured.”

“While the aggressor police forces had reportedly no helmet ID numbers, police also attacked press representatives with a valid press ID.” (AS/BM)


10 Temmuz 2013 Çarşamba

This man is the Governor of Eskisehir


This man is the Governor of Eskisehir: "They are injuring their friends and then claiming that it was the police who did it"

Governor Gungor Azim Tuna, commenting on Ali Ismail Korkmaz who was beaten up during the protests in Eskisehir and died today after being in coma for days, said "they [the protestors] are injuring even their friends and then pretending that it was done by the police".


Turkey Found Guilty of Police Violence



The European Court of Human Rights found Turkey guilty on two separate cases regarding riot police attacks in 1996 and police crackdown torture in 1997.

The European Court of Human Rights found Turkey guilty on two separate cases, saying that the Turkish state violated the “torture ban”.

The court found Turkey guilty of violating Article 3 of the Convention (torture ban) in the case of Subaşı and Çoban - police violence and pepper gas use during May Day demonstrations in 2006 - ordering to pay each applicants 15,000 euros and 1,760 for court expenses.

In a separate case, the court also found Turkey guilty of violating the torture ban in the case of Bozdemir and Yeşilmen, ordering to pay each applicant 6,000 euros.

Dropping charges on “illegal pennants”!

On 1 May 2006 Subaşı and Çoban attended a demonstration in Izmir. They had been attacked by police officers, who had kicked and beaten them and had used tear gas against them.

Police attacked Subaşı which caused her to fall on the floor and then attacked Çoban who tried to help her up. After the incident, Subaşı and Çoban filed complaints to Izmir Bar Association’s Human Rights Desk.

On May 2 Subaşı and Çoban filed official complaints to a prosecutor. The next day, they were examined by Forensic Medicines Institute doctors and received a report - which documented the physiological and psychological impacts of police violence. The report also confirmed another report issued by Izmir Education and Research Hospital.

On 24 May 2006’da Izmir police authorities sent a report to Prosecutor’s Office, claiming that police exercised “balanced force” on protestors.

On 29 June 2006 Izmir Prosecutor’s Office dropped charges on the suspected policemen. “Subaşı and Çoban carried illegal organization pennants and PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan’s pictures,”  the detailed drop-charges document said.

On 6 September Karşıyaka High Criminal Court refused Subaşı and Çoban’s objection on drop of charges.

Subaşı and Çoban applied to ECHR, saying that internal justice seeking was exhausted.

ECHR found Turkey guilty of ill-treatment and torture and lack of investigation on the responsible police officer, saying that Turkey violated Article 3 twice. Turkey was order to pay damages to applicants.

Apartment Crackdown Found Guilty

On 27 November 1997 at 1 a.m. and 4 a.m., the apartments of Gülçin Bozdemir and Yeşilmen in Istanbul were raided by anti-terror police for “searching a family member”.

On 2 December 1997 Bozdemir and Yeşilmen lodged a complaint with the Fatih public prosecutor’s office, alleging that they were stripped naked, beaten (which caused pregnant Bozdemir to lose her baby) and Yeşilmen being threatened with rape.

On the same day, Gülçin Bozdemir was examined by a doctor from the Istanbul branch of the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey, who documented the police violence.

On 3 December 1997, at the request of the Fatih public prosecutor, Bozdemir and Yeşilmen were examined by a doctor at the Istanbul branch of the Institute of Forensic Medicine, who confirmed Human Rights Foundation of Turkey’s report.

On 13 April 2000 the Fatih public prosecutor issued a decision not to prosecute six police officers from the anti-terrorist branch of the Istanbul Police Headquarters.

On 11 April 2003 the Beyoğlu Assize Court dismissed the applicants’ objection, holding that the decision of 13 April 2000 had been in accordance with the law.

Bozdemir and Yeşilmen applied to the European Court of Human Rights for the violation of Article 3 on torture ban and Article 5 on freedom and right to security.

The court found Turkey guilty of violating Article 3, ordering the Turkish state to pay 6,000 euros. (AS/BM)


Les membres de la Solidarité de Taksim ont commencé une grève de faim


Les membres de la Solidarité de Taksim en garde à vue ont commencé une grève de faim

Les composants de la Solidarité de Taksim qui sont détenus en garde à vue depuis 3 jours ont commencé une grève de faim en raison ‘des problèmes de sante de Mucella Yapıcı et des pratiques illégales qu’ils subissent’.

Mise a jour 14h55
Selon le message de twitter d’ Efkan Bolaç, l’avocat, Mucella Yapıcı est conduit à l’hôpital pour un examen médical.

Mucella Yapıcı de la Solidarité de Taksim, Erkan Baş membre du conseil générale du TKP, Kamil Tekerek le secrétaire général d’Istanbul de TKP, le secrétaire général de l’ordre des médecins d’Istanbul, Süleyman Solmaz le secrétaire générale de l’Union des chambres des ingénieurs et des architectes de Turquie, Beyza Metin le président de l’office d’Istanbul de la chambre des ingénieurs électroniques, Akif Bulat Atlar le secrétaire de l’office d’Istanbul de la chambre des urbanistes sont parmi ceux qui ont commencé une grève de faim.

La raison de la grève de la faim est les pratiques illégales qu’ils subissent et les problèmes de sante de Mucella Yapıcı.

Cependant 10 personnes ont refusé de fournir leurs empreintes digitales et la prise de photo, la police anti-émeute est entré dans la cellule des détenues et essaie de forcer les détenues à la prise de photo et d’empreinte digitale.


Taksim Solidarity Members in Custody went on Hunger Strike


Taksim Solidarity Members in Custody went on Hunger Strike

Taksim Solidarity components who are being held under custody since three days decided to go on hunge strike due to "health complications of Mücella Yapıcı and unlawful applications towards them".

Update: 14:55
According to information sent via twitter by lawyer Efkan Bolaç, Mücella Yapıcı is being sent to hospital for a health check.

Mücella Yapıcı from Taksim Solidarity, TKP central council member Erkan Baş, TKP secretary for Istanbul Kamil Tekerek, FKF spokesman Erçin Fırat, İstanbul Medical Chamber general secretary Ali Çerkezoğlu, HDK central executive council member Ender İmrek, Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects IKK secretary Süleyman Solmaz, Chamber of Electrical Engineers İstanbul Branch president Beyza Metin and Chamber of City Planners İstanbul Branch secretary Akif Burak Atlar, who have been under custody for three days, started to go on hunger strike.
The reason for hunger strike has been stated as unlawful applications while they are in custody and health complications of Mücella Yapıcı.

In the meanwhile as 10 people refused to provide finger print and photo shot, riot police has been dispatched to storm the detainees cell; they are trying to take photos and finger prints by force.

(soL - İstanbul)


L’opération TMMOB au parlement à minuit


L’operation TMMOB (Union des chambres des ingénieurs et des architectes de Turquie) au parlement à minuit

AKP (Parti de la justice et du Développement) a proposé d’ajouter un article a la loi ‘Torba’ qui supprime l’autorite de l’union des chambres de métiers. Un opération de minuit a été mis en oeuvre afın d’exclure l’union des chambres des ingénieurs et des architectes de Turquie et de venger pour les évènements de Gezi.

AKP a proposé d’ajouter un article qui supprime le droit d’autorisation et de confirmation de TMMOB dans les projets de construction, au 8ème article de la loi de construction. La proposition a été acceptée avec la majorité des votes. Ce’est un pas qui conduit TMMOB pratiquement vers sa fin.

TTMOB dont plusieurs administrateurs ont été place en garde a vue lundi et dont les bureaux ont été sujet a l'assaut de la police tout au long de la résistance, est battu cette fois-ci par un opération de minuit, par une loi. AKP tente de changer la loi de TMMOB et de se venger pour le parc de Gezi.

Le député de CHP, Aykut Erdoğsu a postee un message sur twitter: ‘ AKP a fait une proposition 'pirate' (c'est a dire sans respecter le règlement intérieur)pour fermer les organisations de métiers comme TMMOB qu’il considère comme un rival politique. Si nous n’arrivons pas a bloquer cette loi, les chambres de métiers vont se fermer l’un après l’autre’ Les ajouts qui suppriment l’autorite de TMMOB ont été acceptés avec la majorité des votes.

Il y a eu une vive réaction, notamment sur les médias sociaux, lorsque la nouvelle a été diffusée. Le hashtag #TMMOBaDOKUNMA (ne touche pas a TMMOB)était le premier dans la liste des TT en Turquie le mercredi a 01h00.


Famille de Sarisülük serait menacée par la police


La famille de M.Sarisülük tué par un policier (en liberté) serait menacée par la police qui trouve qu'elle parle trop.




Death Toll reached 5 in Gezi Park Protests


On June 2 2013, when he participated in the "Gezi Park protests" in the city of Eskisehir in Western Turkey, 19 year old Anatolian University student Ali Ismail Korkmaz was attacked by unknown people and suffered a brain trauma and just today passed away at the Osmangazi University Hospital (DHA)


She was my older sister… Now she became my baby


 She was my older sister… Now she became my baby
There is no way to forget that photo. Date May 31st
The first days of gezi protests…
The result of an act where even the prime minister accepts unproportionate violance was used…
Tents were burned, tear gas attack executed and as a result a girl with red shirt and blue shorts lying on the ground
Lobna Allami.
She was hit by a tear gas canister on the head, she fell, blood pouring from back of her head.
You ask what happened after that photo engraved to our memories?
24 days in coma.
Two braing surgeries.
Days and nigths
passing with the fear
will she wake, will she live…
Thank god Lobna is alive.
But she is paralized on one side, she can't use her arm, she can't talk, there is damage on her brain…
I cried when I listened to the tale of two sisters…
I can't find what to say to the fact that
this family wasn't even called to say "Get well soon".
I want to cry even more.
Your name?
- Fatin Allami.
- 32.

Why are you on Taksim First Aid Hospital?
- On May 31st there was the press anouncement of DİSK (workers union) on Gezi. It was a sitting protest. There were no resistance. People were just sitting on the ground. Suddenly, tear gas attack started. Everybody fled somewhere. When the place got calmer, they found a girl lying on the ground, a girl with shorts and red shirt. Blood was pouring from her head. That girl was my big sister Lobna. She stayed in coma for 25 days, had two brain surgeries. That's why I'm here…
Are you from Palestinian origin?
- Not even remotely, we are Turk. Our father is from Jordan, our mother is Turk. The story is actually as follows: My grandmother is Fatma Gülfidanağa from Eminönü. She went to Palestine while she was 14 with her dad. Her dad was the governor for Ottoman Empire. During those time Palestine was Ottoman soil. Her father gets sick and dies. My grandmother stays there. She marries my circassian grandfather, they have kids. They immigrate to Jordan in 1948 with other immigrants. Years laters my grandmother returned home and died here, even her grave is here. We are simply just Turk!
And your mother?
- She marries with my father at Jordan. After she divorces him, she takes me and my older sister and returns to Turkey.

When did you come?
- I was 12, Lobna was 14.
Did you feel like an outsider?
- Not at all. We are not 'foreigners'. I know Arabic but we dream in Turkish. We speak Turkish when we are alone. Our boyfriends are Turk. We like to eat olive oil based meals. We eat Ezine cheese in the morning. We put our bread to olive oil with oregano. Lobna has been called "tourist". She has been called "foreigner". I don't know why they did this; would that be a valid reason for her to be shot on the head with canister…
What kind of life, did you build to yourselves?
- My mom is a graduate of Arabic language, literature and Islamic history. When she got a job on Libyan embassy we moved to Ankara.
What did you study?
- I graduated from Ankara political sciences. I studied political sciences and public administration.
- She is a philosophy graduate from ODTÜ, then she got master's degree from ODTÜ in human resources .

As two sisters how were you getting along?
- We were two very similar and interacting sisters. My mom, Labna and I, all three of us, we have strong characters. It might seem as if we have a relationship with conflicts but we are bound together with a great love.
What kind of person Lobna is?
- Idealist and emotional. She likes to travel, she rides horses, swims, scuba dives, sky dives but afraid of planes, she cleans forests from garbage, cleans beaches, she takes wounded cats on the streets to veterinary, she takes care of them, feeds them. She is compassionate. She can't get angry with elderly. She likes kids a lot. But wherever there is injustice, she raises her voice. If in Gazza there is injustice against Palestinians, Lobna go on hunger strike there. Somebody self-immolates on Tunisia, Lobna cries for him there. She got a master's degree in human resources, and worked on this field for a few years. But it wasn't compatible with her soul, she was fond of dancing and music. While in ODTÜ she was member of Contemporary Dance Society. She is socialist. She speaks four languages. She worked on NGOs, then went to Berlin…
What she was doing there?
- She was working for a company organising festivals. She was promoting Turkish artists abroad. She was there for three months. Her visa expired, she returned to İstanbul to extend it. At May 31st, that night she was supposed to go to Ankara. She has called my mom and said "I'll leave my winter clothes and take the summer ones". But unfortunately she couldn't make it to Ankara…
How involved she was in politics?
- She was not affiliated with any political party or organisation. She was only affiliated with National Geographic…

She had two brain surgeries, remained in coma for 24 days
How did you get informed on what was happening?
- Lobna’s old flat mate called, "Fatin, Lobna get wounded in Gezi, they are taking her to surgery now" she said.
At first I couldn't grasp the severity of the situation. I thought something happened to her arm or leg. I get off the office, I was trying to arrange ticket to go to İstanbul. When I arrived home, I saw all my friends were there. They were trying to keep the phone away from me. It turned out that the heart breaking photos of Lobna had started to get published, and they were trying to prevent me from checking Facebook. I got suspicious from their anxiety; I called my cousin in Istanbul. I told her "Check what's the situation". When she called back she was crying out loud: "Lobna was hit with a tear-gas canister, she was transported to hospital with severe trauma. There was an open brain surgery. Doctor's expectation on her survival is 20%!" she said.
Oooohh! What did you do?
- I was shocked. I stood still. I lost feelings on my legs, I started shaking all over. My friends made me lay down. After some time I recovered, I took a plane, came to İstanbul. Lobna was in intensive care…
What did the doctors say?

- Her skull got fractured by the canister, the bone fragments punctured brain, her brain got swollen. They took her to surgery to remove a large part of skull to reduce inner pressure. Bleeding started, they drained the blood. Attached her to machine for life support. They were keeping her in induced coma. They said "Her risk of not surviving is very high. Anything can happen in any minute" and our crucifying wait had started. Unavoidably I had to inform my mother too.
When you first saw her…

- She was sleeping with her head in banages. In less than 24 hours the other side started to bleed too. That one was the heavier operation. They said, if they were late by half an hour, it would be too late. The door to intensive care unit got opened and Lobna emerged, she is a 47 kilos tiny woman, her body was twice the size, swollen, as was her head …


Why this would happen, they said?
- Edema, the body is reacting. Her eyes are naturally very big, when her brain got swollen; her eyes were completely off their sockets. As she was connected to life support, they had to detach her from the machine; to bring her to emergency surgery they had attached something like a pump to her intubation, manually pumping air, it was making an awful sound. What I saw was not my sister, she was someone completely different, how she looked was really terrifying. "We have to take her to surgery. Her mortality rate is very high. If we don't operate on her she will surely die but during surgery she may die too" they said. They gave me a piece of paper, made me sign that I accept all responsibility. Thank God I had send my mother home, if she had seen Lobna like that, she would surely die from a heart attack.
At that moment, what were you thinking?
- “She died” I said, “They are stalling, lying to us. She is dead!" This is such a pain that in my life I never experienced anything like that. Who lies was not Lobna… My only support, play mate, sister… How much I loved her, it turned out. You understand at that moment. You live the point where emotional pain turns into physical pain. My bones were aching, my heart was hurting…
- They said "We drained the hemorrhage". The most sensitive, least understood organ in body, brain, and police tore one side of it into pieces, and the surgeons were messing with other side to save her life. A few hours later doctors came back. "What happened?" I said. "We are bringing her to tomography!" he said. "Why?" I asked, they said "one of the pupils is more dilated than the other". And what that was supposed to mean? Obviously there was something else wrong with her brain! Another surgery? No. I felt as if I was being stabbed with knives all over my body. I couldn't talk; I couldn't breathe; as if I was paralyzed. Hours later the doctor came back, said "Her eye got better, we will wait now". We waited, exactly 24 days…
Do you get into a fantasy like "When my sister wakes up everything will be as it was"?
- Yes, you get. She'll wake up and say "Hello". We will happily go together to home. But doctors were speaking of risks every time. On the other hand, I can't emphasize enough how much the doctors operating on her, intensive care unit nurses and other hospital staff were helpful and attentive. I want to give them life from my life. It was told that 80% of these kind of patients are lost on the way before arriving to hospital; and 10% during the surgery or the following day.

On what matters they warned you for when she woke up?
- She may stay paralyzed or it may be a temporary paralysis. Loss of sense may remain after physiotherapy. She may not be able to speak. She may have to spend the rest of her life as a patient to be taken care of in house. I've been told all these possibilities.
What's the situation now?
- There is a brain damage, that's for sure. But how much of it is permanent, how much of it is temporary, this is yet to be determined. They say that it won't be determined in less than a year.
Nerve center for speech got damaged SHE CAN'T SPEAK ANYMORE
What happened when she first woke up?
- She didn't recognize me. The only person she can recognize was my mother. Her right side was paralyzed and she couldn't speak. As she hadn't eaten anything for 25 days she had lost 10kg. She already was 47kg to begin with. All her back was bed sore. As they had removed bones from skull her head had become hollow. It still is. She has no hair. There are stitches all over her head. But at least she is alive and we are very happy.
How do you communicate?
- At first she had no voice, now she can make whispering like sounds. Unfortunately her nerve center for speech is damaged, she can't talk. We are optimistic, her doctors are too. Lobna is somewhere in that body; but because of brain damage she comes back slowly…
Doesn't it stress her not to be able to speak?
- Wouldn't it? First five days she was very irritable. Now she is constantly crying. Sometimes she doesn't sleep for more than 72 hours. She tries to explain everything with hand signs. She is asking "Why I can't walk?", "Why my head is like that?", "Why I can't raise my arm?", "What happened to me?".
Did you tell her?
- Of course. Like 50 times. But she forgets. Still she will be better each day. I want to believe in this. Two days ago I said "Let's brush your teeth". We managed to bring her to rest room somehow, she saw herself on the mirror…
What did she do?
- She was scared so much. She cried a lot; and I told her "We never lied to you. You know your head swelled a lot and then they removed a bone from there and this time that part become hollow. You have a temporary loss of sense on your right side, you have problems on your speech center in brain and some problems with vocal cords, but those might recover". Now while brushing her teeth she look at herself on the mirror and sighs. Every day she gets better; but she will never be the same Lobna again…
What kind of system you devised?
- I won't work for a long time. I'll be with my older sister, I believe this will benefit her much more than physiotherapy.
It's difficult for you too…
- She was my older sister, now became my baby. I take care of her happily; and she puts as much effort as she can to get better. She is still very sensitive. She gets embarrassed, she apologize. She thinks that she puts us in trouble when we take her to restroom.
Do you say "I wish she never went to Taksim that day."?
- No, never. We support her being there. Lobna was not doing anything illegal there. She was using her constitutional right, her freedom to express herself…
Is there anything that we can do for Lobna?
- Send us your positive energy. Send us your love and prayers. I'm sure that one day she will be reading all these and will be thanking you.
Do you say "It is fate, what can one do", or "Some people applying violence ruined my sisters life"?
- I'm not a fatalist; I can't say "You have to endure whatever happens to you". We have to be strong and hang on to life; so that we can give strength to Lobna too. She is a strong woman. She will make it. One thing that would upset me, even devastate me would be Lobna losing her joy of life.
Is it possible for her not to lose joy of life with that much loss?
- Of course. Let it be that she can't speak or use her arm. She has so many positive values that she would compensate for those shortcomings. I don't believe that someone who takes on hunger strike for others, someone who say "Do not demolish our park, do not touch our way of life!" would lose joy of life after getting through so many thing…
I put on gas mask
While I was waiting for her on intensive care unit corridors, there were times that I had put on gas mask; because they launched tear gas canisters to hospital's courtyard. Thank God gas can't arrive to intensive care unit, they have a special ventilation system; but I got ruined. Especially I got very scared when they said that polices came in to hospital courtyard; I took stand on intensive care unit door as I felt as if they were going to take away my sister…
I started crying when they spoke of Ethem
While she was in coma, I cried a lot in 24 days. At the end it was as if my tear ducts got dried out. Now I stand strong by her, I don't cry at all. Only one time, I said "there are 7000 wounded and 5 dead"; I started crying while telling about Ethem Sarısülük. I thought about those families. We suffered too but at least my sister is alive. I can't imagine those who lost their children, I don't know how they keep going with their lives. May God give them patience and strength.
Those who say “Police was epic” should come and see Lobna
While you were here with your sister struggling for life or death, Prime Minister said “Police was epic”, and Melih Gökçek put up a banner saying thank you to police. What did you feel when you witnessed these?
- It felt very bad, very cruel.
Yes police was epic, let them come and see the epic they’ve created, Lobna. If there are any policemen who see what's been done to Lobna or other kids and still happy with what they did, I leave them alone with their conscience.
They considered even a 'Get well soon' too much!
Nobody called either me, or my mother. They ignored us. Neither an apology, nor a get well soon. Maybe that's why they manipulate so much who Lobna is and where she is from. Maybe they thought if she were a foreigner it would hurt Turkish public's conscience less? What it would change if she were a foreigner? She was a kid on the street. With shorts, shirt and light shoes. Not a terrorist exchanging fire with police, or an anarchist. A human who is sitting in Cihangir on a summer day and saying “Don't touch my park, Don't touch my lifestyle!”. She is just sitting; then you come and shoot her. You make her suffer unimaginable pains. You leave her with a very hard memory that can't be forgotten in a lifetime and don't even call to say "Get well soon, how have you become?". Is this humanity? Maybe they were afraid of our reaction or maybe I'm too naive and they think “They got what they deserved”… -Ayşe ARMAN , Hürriyet


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