30 Haziran 2013 Pazar



On June 18th, 2013, our Prime Minister has said that "with abortion and c-section a kind of murder is being commited" and that "for years our women has been sterilized with these methods and contraception methods", during presentation event of 'Being Family Project' of Family and Social Policies Ministry. As the specialization institutions of the subject, a need to release the following scientific statement has risen:

1. Delivery with c-section is a surgical operation which saves the life of mother and baby; it is never a method of "sterilization".

2. The means for sterilization on women is tubal ligation. Which is only performed on absolute demand of both partners and their mutual consent.

3. There is no scientific basis to their claim that c-section prevents more than two pregnancies. Both in our contry and throughout the world, lots of women succesfuly deliver multiple pregnancies with c-section.

4. When people is properly informed on birth control measures, the need for abortion on unwanted pregnancies disappear; as an example abortion rates have dropped 3 fold in last 30 years on our country.

5. In coutries where c-section operation is unreachable and abortion is banned, a women dies every 8 minute. In our country, with the effort of gynecology and obstetrics specialists, mother mortality rates have dropped 6 fold in last 30 years.

6. In last 10 years, c-section rates have risen in our country as it did around the world. It must not be forgotten that, for our country, the main reasons behind this are health policies in effect, and therefore the risk of medical doctors facing legal charges by their patient.

7. Mother and baby mortality rates have significantly dropped in Turkey. The main reason behind this is the world quality health service provided to women by our selfless colleagues day and night.

8. Presenting Turkish Medical Doctors as "pawns of an unknown power to sterilize our patients without their knowledge" has deeply offended and wounded the professionals of gynecology and obstetrics. Gynecology and obstetrics have always practiced their profession by acting based on science and laws. Medical Doctors being accused for abiding by law is legally unacceptable.

9. As the national speciality association for Gynecology and Obstetrics and sub-specialization associations, against all adverse conditions including violence against doctors, we respectfully present to the judgement of our esteemed people and women that, we will keep serving our people with our main motive to select this profession which is LOVE FOR HUMAN AND DESIRE TO HELP HUMAN without geting tired.


Gynecologic Endoscopy Association
Perinatology Specialists Association
Cervical Patologies and Colposcopy Association
Turkish Gynecologic Oncology Association
Turkish Perinatology Association
Turkish Urogynecology and Pelvic Reconstructif Surgery Association
Turkish Maternal-Fetal Medicine and Perinatology Association
Reproductive Health and Infertility Association
Reproductive Medicine Association


Les bouleversements sociaux dans ces deux grands pays en plein essor économique ont pris appui sur des revendications mineures : en Turquie, la destruction d’un parc, au Brésil, l’augmentation des tickets de bus. Dans les deux cas, les mouvements ont rapidement pris une dimension nationale contre la corruption, la vie chère, le chômage et, dans le cas de la Turquie, pour les libertés.

Les réponses des deux gouvernements ne sont pas de même nature : répressive à Istanbul, attentive à Brasilia. Une donnée semble être commune aux deux pays : la composition sociologique des manifestants. Alors que les études statistiques turques restent interdites de publication, à Brasilia, les instituts de sondage donnent à réfléchir : sans appartenance politique, 84% ; diplômés d’études supérieures, 77% ; étudiants, 22% ; moins de vingt-cinq ans, 53% ; primo-manifestants, 71%. Les chiffres tenus secrets en Turquie seraient du même ordre à quelques nuances près. Différence essentielle : le gouvernement turc choisit la violence policière, les autorités brésiliennes l’écoute et le dialogue malgré la tentative de détournement du mouvement par la droite et ses médias. Le «miracle économique» à la turque a rempli les poches des plus riches. À l’inverse, au Brésil, malgré la corruption, des millions de personnes ont quitté la pauvreté tandis que diminuaient les inégalités. Avec, dans les deux cas, un développement des classes moyennes et une irruption dans la vie sociale et politique d’une nouvelle génération éduquée, non encartée et informatisée. En observant ce mouvement, le livre du politologue Samuel Huntington publié en 1968,
l’Ordre politique dans les sociétés en changement, me revient à l’esprit. Sa thèse consiste à affirmer que, dans les sociétés en transformations rapides, la demande de services publics, particulièrement 
la santé, l’éducation et 
les transports, devient une priorité absolue pour les populations. Un livre à recommander au gouvernement français.

José Fort



Des policiers sur la place Taksim, samedi 29 juin. | REUTERS/OSMAN ORSAL

Dix mille personnes ont défilé samedi 29 juin en direction de la place Taksim, dans le centre d'Istanbul, en scandant des slogans hostiles au gouvernement turc, après la mort d'un manifestant kurde tué la veille par les forces de l'ordre dans le sud-est du pays.

Le rassemblement entrait dans le cadre du mouvement de contestation entamé fin mai, mais s'est mué en élan de solidarité avec la minorité kurde après cet évènement.

"Policiers assassins, hors du Kurdistan !", ont crié certains manifestants. "L'Etat meurtrier paiera !", lançaient d'autres militants. Le jeune Kurde de 18 ans tué vendredi à Kayacik, dans la province de Diyarbakir, protestait contre la construction d'une gendarmerie. Dix autres manifestants ont été blessés par les forces de l'ordre.
Ces troubles sont les plus violents depuis l'appel au cessez-le-feu lancé en mars par Abdullah Ocalan, chef historique du Parti des travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK) détenu depuis 1999, qui a entamé un processus de paix avec le gouvernement deRecep Tayyip Erdogan.

A Istanbul, les forces de l'ordre ont empêché les manifestants d'accéder à la place Taksim, épicentre de la contestation depuis bientôt un mois. Après un sit-in dans les rues avoisinantes, la plupart ont quitté les lieux, mais un millier de personnes y sont restées. Les policiers les ont dispersées en les poussant à l'aide de leurs boucliers. Ils étaient appuyés par un canon à eau qui n'a pas été utilisé.


Plusieurs centaines de personnes ont également manifesté à Diyarbakir, dans le sud-est de la Turquie, lors des obsèques de la victime. "Attention, Erdogan, ne nous pousse pas dans les montagnes !", ont-elles lancé. Dans le cadre du processus de paix, les combattants du PKK ont commencé à quitter la Turquie pour rejoindre leurs camarades retranchés dans le nord de l'Irak.

Le ministère de l'intérieur a annoncé l'ouverture d'une enquête sur le décès, précisant que 250 personnes avaient attaqué le chantier et que les forces de l'ordre avaient procédé à des tirs de sommation pour disperser la foule.

Le Parti pro-kurde pour la paix et la démocratie a appelé à des manifestations ceweek-end dans plusieurs villes de Turquie, notamment Diyarbakir, Mersin et Adana. Il entend lancer un "été de mobilisation" et faire pression sur le gouvernement afin qu'il lance les réformes prévues par l'accord de paix conclu avec le PKK.

29 Haziran 2013 Cumartesi


Des forces de sécurité turques ont tué une personne et ont blessé sept autres ce vendredi quand ils ont tiré sur un groupe de personnes protestant contre la construction d'un nouvel poste de contrôle gendarmerie en Sud-Est de la Turquie dominée par les Kurdes, selon les sources de sécurité.

L'incident s’est réalisé dans le village de Kayacik dans le quartier de Lice province de Diyarbakir, selon les sources. Il n'était pas en immédiat clair pourquoi les protestataires s'opposaient au nouvel avant-poste.


Three police officers commited suicide in a single day, a fourth one has been prevented on last second

Police organisation is trying to cope with the shock of three suicides commited one after another. Three police officers, one in Bolu, another in Bilecik and a third in Düzce commited suicide with their guns.

According to declaration by Emniyet Sen (Union of policemen) a fourth attempted suicide has been prevented on the last second by friends of policeman. According to Emniyet Sen's declaration a total of 13 policemen have commited suicide since June 1st 2013. General Directorate of Police Department still hasn't anounced a clear number about this issue.

Fourth attempt has been prevented on last second

Following this three cases, a fourth attempt has been prevented by police force at last second. According to information obtained from Emniyet Sen, a fourth police officer left his house leaving a note behind. His wife who found the note contacted an officer who also is member of union, so Emniyet Sen union also took part in intervention and a search party has been formed. Based on investigation conducted together with Gendarmerie, police officers vehicle has been located. His vehicle has been disabled by swat team and officer has been taken under control before he managed to commit suicide. Police officer is still in hospital and kept on suicide watch.




Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan addresses his supporters and lawmakers at the parliament in Ankara, Turkey, Tuesday, June 25, 2013.

Three weeks ago, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was set to enter the history books as Turkey’s most successful politician since the Republic’s founding father, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. But bad mismanagement of a fortnight of urban protest has irreparably damaged Prime Minister Erdoğan’s political legacy and his party.

What began as a modest demonstration of concerned environmentalists in Istanbul’s city center has evolved into a much broader protest, reflecting accumulated anger over increasingly restrictive government policies and disproportionate police action, which has resulted in four deaths and 7,500 injuries. One of the United States’s closest allies has just failed a major leadership test.
The prime minister and his allies made three political mistakes. First, Prime Minister Erdoğan refused to accept that protest as a legitimate and necessary part of an open society, instead missing out on an opportunity to deepen Turkey’s democratic exchange. Second, the Justice and Development Party, or AKP, underestimated concerns of the middle class about restrictions on freedom of expression, new alcohol regulations, the prime minister’s increasingly despotic leadership style, and the outsize role of the state in average Turks’ lives. Third, the prime minister’s aggressive rhetoric was laden with thinly veiled conspiracy theories and threats. He repeatedly distinguished between the “real Turkey,” consisting of his supporters and the “extremists” that he and his cabinet characterized as terrorists. All of this served to deepen existing divisions within Turkish society.
Prime Minister Erdoğan’s uncompromising streak was well known before the protests, but the extent of his miscalculation was a surprise. The prime minster left for Africa in the early hours of the protest, accepting an honorary doctorate in Algeria while Istanbul was shrouded in tear gas. Even sympathetic observers agree that he and his party are becoming victims of hubris after a decade in power and several resounding electoral victories.
The use of police violence in response to political protest—observed firsthand by CAP’s Matthew Duss during a recent trip to Istanbul—served as a stark reminder of Turkey’s deep internal political divisions. The prime minister wasted good opportunities to de-escalate the conflict, and despite some conciliatory remarks, none of the more moderate AKP leaders dared to challenge him. One renowned Turkish commentator argued that “the government and its hard core supporters are proving that they do not have the mental capacity to understand what is really happening.”
Maybe it’s time for the AKP leadership to learn Portuguese and follow Brazil’s lead.
When similar protests erupted in several Brazilian cities last week, driven by middle-class demands for more reliable transportation and better governance, police responded with a harsh crackdown resembling the one that occurred in Taksim Square. But Brazil’s political leaders reacted very differently. President Dilma Rousseff struck a conciliatory tone, stating she was “listening to the voices calling for change” and admitting that “Brazil has woken up a stronger country” after the protests. She called off a diplomatic trip to Japan and announced anemergency cabinet meeting to discuss the unrest. President Rousseff also acknowledged legitimate grievances and the right to protest, while opening a dialogue with protesters, thereby defusing the situation—in stark contrast to Prime Minister Erdoğan’s response.
These disparate reactions show the importance of inclusion and responsiveness in the mass politics in today’s rising democracies. Brazil and Turkey have roughly the same per-capita income, both shook off military rule in the 1980s, both are important strategic partners to the United States, and both have experienced rapid economic expansion over the past decade,lifting 40 million Brazilians out of poverty and growing Turkey’s gross domestic product by more than 40 percent. But Brazil’s politics has been shaped by a policy of social inclusion and free expression. At virtually every level, officials have echoed the message of President Rousseff, who conceded that it was “befitting of youth to protest.” This explosion of popular anger caught both governments by surprise, but the reaction of Brazil’s political leaders was pragmatic, smart, and open-minded.
In Turkey, on the other hand, the AKP leadership showed no such confidence in the population and reacted with outlandish conspiracy theories, paranoia, and threats against its own citizens. The foreign minister accused certain “circles” of trying to damage Turkey’s image, questioning journalists’ motives for reporting on the protests. Prime Minister Erdoğan lashed out at CNN, Reuters, and the BBC for what he called “fabricated news,” and reacted angrily to criticism from the European Parliament, saying that “there is a price for talking so freely and boldly about Turkey’s domestic affairs.”
Later, the Turkish Radio and Television Supreme Council fined a number of channels for “harming the physical, moral and mental development of children and young people” by covering the protests. Given Turkey’s recent history of curbing freedom of expression, the AKP’s response to the protests has created an atmosphere of division and intimidation. Again in sharp contrast to Turkey, freedom of speech is enforced by law in Brazil, and censorship is widely condemned by politicians and civil society alike. In spite of several unsolved violent crimes against journalists, President Rousseff has made an effort since taking office to reaffirm constitutional protections for the freedom of information.
The Turkish government’s conspiracy theories also demonstrate its tendency to stifle dissent and project domestic political paranoia abroad. Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu demandedthat Turkish embassies abroad report “which efforts these countries took to create a perception against Turkey.” Dissent is condemned as an attack against Turkey itself and dismissed as the result of foreign meddling. Interior Minister Muammer Güler also revealed the AKP’s inability to grapple with dissenting opinion when he asserted that social-media users had “passed on false information to provoke the demonstrations,” adding that those “who manipulate public opinion and guide demonstrations on Twitter and Facebook will be revealed.” Social media has become the new enemy of the state.
The tradition of blaming the “other” has risen to new heights in Turkey. After returning from his trip to Africa, the prime minister accused financial investors of encouraging the protests. Prime Minister Erdoğan said that an “interest-rate lobby” is “threatening Turkey with speculation,” adding that this group “has exploited the sweat of my people for years.” These barely disguised anti-Semitic themes have a long history in populist politics; even moderate elements of the Turkish cabinet joined in. Finance Minister Mehmet Şimşek was quoted as saying “there are factions that are trying to benefit from countries’ situations like this,” while U.S.-educated Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan added that “the interest-rate lobby knows who they are.” Some analysts have dismissed these statements as a nuisance, but rhetoric matters. The “interest-lobby” debate and distinctions between predatory and producer capitalism were core features of 20th century right-wing propaganda against so-called “Jewish finance capitalism.”
The Turkish leadership has lost its political and moral compass over the past three weeks. Demonstrations that at first represented a moderate challenge to AKP policies have exposed a paranoid streak. The prime minister and his party have failed this leadership test, even if the AKP shores up its near-term political situation. According to columnist Semih Idiz, “none of [Prime Minister] Erdoğan’s sensible advisers—and there must be some—have the courage to tell him that this negative image of Turkey is not part of an international conspiracy but is of the government’s own making for mismanaging what started off as a simple protest to protect trees.”
The AKP leadership fails to see that a pluralist democracy is the only viable option for Turkish society. This failure of leadership will change the course of political confrontations in Turkey and affect Turkey’s role in the Western alliance: Europe has delayed negotiations on Turkish accession into the European Union. And, just weeks after receiving Prime Minister Erdoğan in Washington, President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry must be wondering if it is time to review the U.S. relationship with Turkey as well.
<div style="margin-bottom: .0001ptMichael Werz is a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress.

* Correction, June 27, 2013: This column incorrectly stated the increase in Turkey’s gross domestic product. The correct amount of increase is more than 40 percent.

28 Haziran 2013 Cuma


Responsable d'Association d'Urbanisme d'Istanbul Tayfun Kahraman est affecté  à Gaziantep

Tayfun Kahraman qui est le Responsable de l'Association d'Urbanisme d'Istanbul et travaille comme un expert dans le Ministère de Culture et Tourisme, le Conseil Régional de Conservation d'Istanbul a été banni à Gaziantep.

Selon son.tv, la lettre a écrit le motif : «en raison des activités pas conformément au devoir». Il a été nommé au Conseil de Conservation Gaziantep.

Kahraman a confirmé ceci par Twitter: "je suis nommé dans Antep temporairement pendant un mois. Les nouvelles sur Twitter sont correctes. Je servirai d'Antep pendant un mois"

Kahraman était dans le groupe qui a rencontré le Premier ministre le Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Tayfun Kahraman qui est aussi membre du Taksim Platfom était dans le groupe qui a rencontré le Premier ministre et avait fait une déclaration par la suite.

AKP avait montré cette déclaration dans la vidéo (de propagange) de 28 minutes intitulé  "le Grand Jeu" qu'ils ont préparé sur la résistance de Parc de Gezi.

Qui est Tayfun Kahraman ?

Tayfun Kahraman (32), a été élu à la présidence d'Association d'Urbanisme d'Istanbul TMMOB et est un diplômé de l’Université de Mimar Sinan du Département de Planification des Villes et des régions.

Il est actuellement inscrit dans le programme de doctorat à l’Université d'Istanbul dans le domaine d'Administration Publique et ils donnent des cours et des séminaires à propos de l'urbanisation, l'urbanisme et le droit d’urbanisme.



Selon Directeur d'Enseignement National Afyon, Ankara et Dieu ont une volonté très étrange

La communauté d'Enseignement est remuée par les instructions ordonnées par le Directeur d'Enseignement national d’Afyon. Un appel étrange a été fait par le nouveau Directeur d'Enseignement national Afyon Ibrahim Özkul, aux professeurs de cours de Religion. Özkul qui s'est réuni avec des professeurs d'Enseignement de Morales et de la Religion a dit "Vous êtes les conseillers entant que chef de directeurs scolaires. Des directeurs scolaires devraient vous consulter pour chaque pas qu'ils font. Des directeurs scolaires me pardonnent. Dorénavant tous les actes et des travaux seront réalisés dans la surveillance de professeurs de morales et religion. C'est ce qu'Ankara veut. C'est ce que le gouverneur veut. C'est ce que la Direction d'Enseignement nationale veut. Nous voulons aussi comme ça ; et Allah veut comme ça.»


Ahmet Toptas le membre de Parlement pour Afyon de CHP a rapporté ce fait à l'ordre du jour du Parlement. Il a demandé au Ministre de l'Éducation nationale Avci "Aviez-vous une demande pareille du Directeur de Branche ?"

Selon les allégations l’évènement a progressé comme suit : le Directeur de Branche d'Enseignement  national Ibrahim Özkul qui a été nommé avec l'approbation du Préfet Irfan Balkanloglu ordonnant comme "Vous êtes au-dessus  des directeurs scolaires, les directeurs ne feront  même pas un pas sans demander  votre approbation" pendant une réunion où il s’est adressé aux professeurs de religion, a causé une vive réaction chez les directeurs scolaires. En outre Özkul a dit "Rapportez nous immédiatement les professeurs et les directeurs qui ne suivent pas vos ordres. Nous ferons le nécessaire".

« Ankara et Allah veulent comme ça »

Pendant la réunion qu’il a tenu avec des professeurs de religion, il a cité ceux qui veulent la prise de cette décision : "Ankara le veut comme ça,  la Préfecture veut comme ça, aussi la Direction d'Enseignement nationale veut comme ça, aussi nous  nous voulons comme ça et Allah veut comme ça. Donc votre place est au-dessus de nos têtes.   Votre pouvoir administratif ça existe ou pas. Le directeur scolaire vous demandera chaque pas qu'il fait. Les directeurs me pardonnent"

Après que cette réunion ce qui est dit à la salle a été propagé de bouche a l’oreille dans la communauté d'enseignement. Peu après, la diffusion par les médias de l'enregistrement vocale de la réunion a causé un choc au milieu d'Enseignement nationaux. Des directeurs scolaires ont réagi en disant : "Nous avions entendu dire qu'un tel discours a eu lieu, mais nous n'avions pas de preuve. Avec l'enregistrement de son qui a fait surface, il est devenu apparent ce qu'ils veulent faire. Ils ont le pouvoir. Ils peuvent directement les nommer comme des directeurs au lieu de nous, résoudre le problème".


Hüseyin Aygün le député de Tunceli membre de CHP, a critiqué au Twitter le Directeur d'Enseignement national sur un ton sévère, il a écrit : "avez-vous entendu les mots de Directeur d'Enseignement national Afyon ? Il dit - dorénavant les écoles seront gérées par des professeurs de religion, Dieu et Ankara le veulent comme ça-. C'est cette mentalité sale, qui élève nos enfants!"

http: // sozcu.com.tr/2013/gunun-icinden/allah-v e-ankara-boyle-istiyor.html


Turkish security forces fire on protest in southeast, one dead

Friday Jun 28, 2013 | Reuters

DIYARBAKIR, Turkey (Reuters) - Turkish security forces killed one person and wounded seven on Friday when they fired on a group of people protesting against construction of a new gendarmerie outpost in Kurdish-dominated southeastern Turkey, security sources said.

The incident happened in the village of Kayacik in the Lice district of Diyarbakir province, the sources said. It was not immediately clear why the protesters were opposing the new outpost.

(Writing by Jonathon Burch; Editing by Parisa Hafezi/Mark Heinrich)


Gezi exile: Head of Istanbul City Planning Association Tayfun Kahraman was exiled to Gaziantep

Tayfun Kahraman who is the Head of Istanbul City Planning Association and works as an expert in Culture & Tourism Ministry, Regional Council of Istanbul Preservation was exiled to Gaziantep.
According to son.tv, the letter said “due to activities not in line with duty” reasons, he was appointed at Gaziantep Preservation Council.
Kahraman confirmed this through Twitter: “I am appointed in Antep temporarily for a month. The news on Twitter are correct. I will serve from Antep for a month”
Kahraman was in the group who met with Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Tayfun Kahraman who also is a member of the Taksim Platfom was in the group who met with the Prime Minister and made remarks afterwards.
AKP highlighted these remarks in the 28-minute video titled “Big game” they prepared regarding the Gezi Park resistance.
Who is Tayfun Kahraman?
Tayfun Kahraman (32), was elected to TMMOB Istanbul City Planning Association presidency and is a graduate of Mimar Sinan University City & District Planning Department.
He is currently enrolled in the PhD program at Istanbul University Department of Public Administration while giving lectures and seminars on urbanization, city planning and construction legislation.



The assessment of AKP İstanbul Provincial Chairman regarding the Gezi Protests: 'Overt declaration of war, we’ve closed the ranks'

AKP Istanbul Provincial Chairman Aziz Babuşçu continued his discourse of foreign intervention in his latest assessment of the Gezi resistance. Babuscu also remarked "we became closer" and that these demonstrations are clear acts of war. Babuscu claimed that "Gezi Park event" is a foreign-led project to stop Turkey and that there is also domestic support and said "In fact, this project is a clear act of war against all values represented by the Prime Minister. The fact that the domestic supporters were not acknowledged during the process and the discourse that Prime Minister should speak milder were also parts of this project". Babuscu said "This establishment has accomplished many good deeds but we saw that in spite of that, condescending and elitist people have not given up trying to get rid of the AKP government and therefore we became closer to each other."



S.I qui était à coté d’Ethem Sarisuluk lors qu’il a été tué par un coup de feu de la police et qui s’est fait inscrire comme témoin à la liste de Kazım Bayraktar, l’avocat d’Ethem a été arrêté et un mandat d’arrêt a été publié pour M.C.T qui a été écouté pendant l’enquête de scène.
L'avocat Bayraktar a déclaré qu'il fera appel cette après-midi contre la sortie du policier qui a tué Ethem Sarisuluk.
L’avocat a dit :
‘Un mandat d'arrêt est publié pour un témoin que l'on a entendu pendant l'enquête de scène. Un autre témoin qui a vu Ethem se faire tuer et qui m'a donné son nom au téléphone est arrêté. Nous préparons une liste de témoins oculaires. Cependant, pour les intimider et les empêcher de témoigner une campagne d'arrestation a été entamé. Alors que le meurtrier présumé est sorti, cette campagne d’arrestation entreprise par les affaires intérieures et les centres de commissariats, réveille de l’indignation. Les manifestants qui ont témoigné le moment où Ethem a été tué sont sous la menace d'arrestation et ceci nous inquiète.


The witness who was with Ethem Sarisuluk when he was killed by police shooting during the Gezi Park protests and who gave in her name as eyewitness to Sarisuluk's attorney Kazim Bayraktar is arrested. Also, an arrest warrant was issued for another witness who was heard during scene investigation. Attorney Bayraktar stated that he will appeal this afternoon against the release of the police officer who shot Ethem Sarisuluk. Bayraktar told Hurriyet: "An arrest warrant is issued for a witness who was heard during scene investigation. Another witness who saw Ethem being shot and gave in her name to me on the phone is arrested. We are compiling a list of eyewitnesses. However, in order to intimidate and prevent them from testifying an arrest campaign is started. Internal Affairs' and Police Headquarters' conducting this arrest campaign while the police officer who is the murder suspect was released arouses indignation. Protesters who eyewtnessed the moment when Ethem was shot are under the threat of arrest and this is worrying us."


27 Haziran 2013 Perşembe


A court ordered the arrest of 7 defendants who were detained and released during Gezi Park protests. Tourniquets and plasters were listed as “crime instruments” of a jailed protestor - who is a medical doctor. Other evidence included construction helmets.



Istanbul 4th High Criminal Court ordered the arrest of 7 defendants who were detained and released in Gezi Park protests, after an objection submitted by the case prosecutor.On June 18 Gezi Park detainees Alper Merdoğlu, Emre Horasanlı, Emre Güzel, Gökbey Gül, İsmail Işık Sapmaz, Murat Tözen and Özkan Ekinci were order to stand trial for violating Turkey’s Law 2911 of Public Meetings and Demonstrations. Initially, the court released all 7 defendants for reasons associated with “the nature of crime, defendants’ having a permanent residence and impossibility of evidence manipulation”.However, General Attorney’s Office of Istanbul objected the decision of court on June 21. Today the court announced its decision on the objection, issuing arrest warrants on 7 defendants - who are mainly doctors, sculptures, engineers and students.The verdict listed the “crime evidences” as follows:“Gas masks, sea googles, face rugs, construction helmets, bike helmets, gloves, slings, Palestinian scarves, unfired gas bomb cartridges, tourniquets, plasters and compress-tissues.”“They attack police with slogans”The verdict also defined Gezi Park protests as “demonstrations that extended the barrier against public order and peace”.The arrest orders also claimed that protestors used force against police officers by chanting slogans such as “Government resign”, “Everywhere is Taksim, everywhere is resistance”.Protestors’ “persistence on their demonstrations” marked another “crime evidence”. (AS/BM)


Police authorities in Istanbul have launched an investigation on 35 social media profiles for the defamation of state authorities including PM Erdoğan through messages and photos, submitting a detailed report to Prosecutor’s Office.

Police authorities in Istanbul have launched an investigation on 35 social media profiles for the defamation of state authorities including PM Erdoğan through messages and photos, submitting a detailed report to Prosecutor’s Office. 
According to an article Devrim Tosunoğlu from Akşam newspaper, Cyber Crimes Police Department have reportedly detected 35 social media profiles with crime evidence on their ongoing investigation of 5 million messages. The department drafted a report including the IP address of aforementioned users, submitting it to Prosecutor’s Office. 
Our officials contacted Facebook and Twitter but Twitter turned down our cooperation offer, said Binali Yıldırım, Turkey’s Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications. 
Facebook released a statement, objecting Yıldırım’s remarks on “For long time, Facebook cooperates with Turkish authorities smoothly” and clarifying that they only cooperated with Turkish government officials “only when a life concern or child-abuse is at stake”. 
PM Erdoğan accused of twitter being “pain in the neck”. On the other hand, a total of 34 people were detained in Adana (5) and Izmir (29) provinces for charges related to supporting, organizing and provoking Gezi Resistance through social media. (EA/BM)


According to Afyon National Education Director, Ankara and God have a very strange demand
The National Education community is stirred by the instructions ordered by Afyon National Education Director. A strange call has been made by the new Afyon National Education Director İbrahim Özkul, to Religion course teachers. Özkul who met Religion and Morals Education teachers said "You are the chief advisors of school managers. School managers should consult you for every step they take. School managers should take no offense. From now on all acts and works will proceed under the supervision of religion and morals teachers. This is what Ankara wants. This is what governor wants. This is what National Education Directorate wants. We too want it this way; and God wants it this way."
Ahmet Toptaş parliament member for Afyon from CHP brought the matter to parliaments attention. He asked Minister of Education Avcı "Did you have this kind of request from Branch Director?"

According to claims events progressed as follows: National Education Branch Director İbrahim Özkul who was appointed with approval of Governor İrfan Balkanloğlu ordering as "You are above school managers, managers will not take a step without asking your approval" during a metting where he addressed religion teachers, caused great reaction from school managers. Furthermore Özkul said "Immediately report teachers and managers who do not follow your orders to us. We will take necessary action".
Ankara and God want it this way
During the meeting he held towards religion teachers, he cited who this decision was wanted by as: "Ankara wants it this way, also Governor wants it this way, also National Education Directorate wants it this way, also we want it this way and God wants it this way. Therefore your place is above our heads. With or without administrative authority. School manager will ask you every step he takes. Managers should take no offense."
After this meeting what was spoken got spread through all education community. Short after, sound recording of meeting getting leaked to media caused a shock on National Education offices. School managers reacted as "We had heard that a such speech took place, but we didn't have a proof. With the sound recording which surfaced, it became apparent what they want to do. They have complete authority. They can directly appoint them as managers instead of us, to solve the problem".
Hüseyin Aygün parliament member for Tunceli from CHP, criticized Afyon National Education Director with a heavy tone from his twitter account, he wrote: "Have you heard the words of Afyon National Education Director? He says -From now on schools will be managed by religion teachers, God and Ankara want it this way-. It is this filthy mentality, which is raising our kids!"

26 Haziran 2013 Çarşamba


It has been claimed that on June 4th at Istanbul Sarıgazi 5 police have tortured and wounded a driver. According to claims on the report of crime application to District Attorney's office by lawyers of victim's family, policemen have shot Hakan Yaman on the belly with tear gas grenade launcher, heavily beaten him up, removed his left eye from his socket with a sharp object and left his body on fire assuming he was dead. The video footage showing him being beaten up and thrown to fire have been presented to district attorney's office.
His lawyers, requested the policemen from TOMA vehicle with presented vehicle id number to be arrested and punished on charges of full attempt to murder with monstrous intentions and limb mutilation with torture of their defendent who lost his left eye and got broken jaw bone, cheek bone, front head bone, and nose.

On the report of crime application presented to Kartal Anadolu Head District Attorney's Office, the events have been described as follows:
“While Hakan Yaman was passing through Democracy St. to go to his house at Birgül St. Sancaktepe at 11pm on June 4th, 2013, he was attacked with full attempt to murder, lost one eye, and got heavily wounded by 5 police officers on duty in TOMA vehicle with number 63319 (exact identification can be extracted from presented video and photos).
Private shuttle Driver Yaman who wasn't related in any way to events that happened on that date parked his vehicle and while he was walking to his house, he got shot on right part of his abdominal cavity with tear gas grenade launched from policemen of TOMA vehicle. As he fell to ground he was dragged on the ground and beaten, tortured, and got one of his eye removed with a sharp object by one of the police officers.


Hakan Yaman who became immobile on the ground, was thrown into the fire burning nearby by these policemen. This event is torture beyond any doubt because multiple police officers have beaten my client for minutes, removedd his eye, and thrown him to fire to get him dead. When police officers believed Yaman was dead, they left the crime scene. Afterwards victim removed himself from fire with his own effort, and got transported to Sancaktepe District Hospital with help from citizens nearby who also informed his family. From there, as he was criticaly wounded, without applying any first aid he got retransported to Kartal Education and Research Hospital.

According to forensic medical report prepared on the hospital, Hakan Yaman received serious damage on his head and face, got his cheek bone, jaw bone, forehead bone and nose broken, lost sight on left eye caused by physical attack, and got severe burns on various parts of his body.
As can be seen from photos and video footage, suspects performed this act with monstrous feelings. We respectfuly request emergency transfer of my client to criminal forensic medicine office, an arrest order to be issued for police officers who committed the crime to prevent escape or evidence altering based on strong suspicion of crime, and criminal charges to brought forward against them."



Derya Agdogdu, the mother of 13-year old Ayhan Aydogdu who was taken into custody during Dikmen demonstrations declared that she didn’t hear about her son for 1.5 hours while she called the Police Department 4 times and she was told that “your son is not under custody”. Aydogdu explained that her son who has a learning disorder and goes to a rehabilitation center was kicked inside the “Scorpion” vehicle and was beaten. Derya Aydogdu told us what she went through that night:

I lost my children: We were always participating in demonstrations in Dikmen. They were eventless. We participated with my two sons. They were with me. There was a sudden intervention. I lost my children. Then I only found my older son. He was sprayed with water from a TOMA. He said he had burns on his body and face. While we were attending him, we were unfortunately not able to find Alperen.

Beating in “Scorpion”: They took my son inside the “Scorpion” vehicle beating ruthlessly and swearing. They also took another 45-50 year old lady into custody and kept battering in the “Scorpion”. They swore with unimaginable words. Such as: “You tell us you are Mustafa Kemal’s soldiers. Ask Mustafa Kemal to come and rescue you from us”. Police tried to have the lady kiss the police sign on his collar. When she didn’t want to kiss, they continued beating her up.

I called 4 times and they said he was not there: When I called the police department they told me that they took 4 adults in custody and there was no child. I called the police 4 times. Then somebody called me and said “I have video proof that your son is under custody”. I went and looked at the videos and called the police department back. I said “where is my child”. They told me “Miss, what was your son doing at that time at that place”

I couldn’t reach him for 1.5 hours: My son was taken into custody at 3:30am. I didn’t hear from him for 1.5 hours. I was able to find my son finally through Muharrem Ince. Then they brought my son to Dikmen police department. They didn’t let Ince in. They didn’t even let him stand in front of the door. He was taken to the children’s department from the police department. Then he was taken to the prosecutor. They treated a 13-year old literally as a terrorist. They asked questions including the text on his t-shirt. We will never let this go and we will file a complaint.

Report from Hacettepe: Obviously we weren’t aware of the beating. My son didn’t tell me to not make me sad. The lady whom they took in with told me. “look at your son’s head” she said. “they beat the kid up”. My son has kick marks on his legs, his head is swollen, as is his neck. They kicked him. Medical affairs as usual gave a clean bill of health. We got the battery report from Hacettepe hospital. The first hospital we went, Numune Hospital, also didn’t find it appropriate to give us a report.

He cannot forget: Alperen does not feel well now. He cannot forget what he had been through. He was affected by what happened to the lady and that she was beaten up in front of him. He tells me that they hit his legs with their boots. When they were beating, they said “we are the grandchildren of the Ottoman Empire.



Derya Ağdogdu, la mère d’Ayhan Aydoğdu qui est âgé de 13 ans et qui a été mis en garde a vue pendant la manifestation de Dikmen a déclaré que ce jour-là elle n’a pas eu de nouvelle pendant une heure et demie de son fils et qu’alors qu’elle a appelé le commissariat 4 fois, il lui a été dit que son fils n’était pas en garde à vue.

Aydodu a expliqué que son fils qui avait un trouble de l’apprentissage et qui bénéficiait d’une éducation spécialisée a été battu dans un véhicule blindé des policiers. Aydoğdu a raconté ce qui s’est passé ce jour-là à notre journal :

Nous participons régulièrement à la manifestation à Dikmen. Ça se passait sans évènement. Ce jour-là nous y sommes participés avec nos deux fils. Les enfants étaient avec moi. Soudainement, il y a eu une intervention. J’ai perdu les enfants. Je n’ai pu trouver que mon fils ainé. Il a avait subi de l’eau par le canon à eau. Il m’avait dit qu’il sentait des brûlures sur son visage et son corps. Nous sommes mis à nous en occuper mais nous n’avons pas pu trouver Alperen.
Des coups dans le véhicule blindé: Ils auraient pris mon fils en le battant et en l’insultant dans le véhicule blindé. Avec lui ils auraient pris également une dame de 45-50 ans. Ils auraient continué de le battre dans le véhicule et de l’insulter avec des injures imprononçables. Ils auraient dit : vous dites que vous êtes les soldats de Mustafa Kemal. Alors qu’il vienne et qu’il vous sauve de nous, Mustafa Kemal’. La police aurait forcé la dame à embrasser l’emblème de police et aurait continué de la battre quand elle l’aurait refusé. J’ai appelé quatre fois le commissariat. Quand j’ai appelé le commissariat, ils m’ont dit qu’il y avait 4 adultes et aucun enfant. J’ai appelé 4 fois puis un citoyen m’a appelé de là. Il m’a dit : ‘nous avons le vidéo de votre enfant en garde à vue’ J’y suis allée et quand j’ai vu le vidéo, j’ai recontacté le commissariat. J’ai demandé ou mon fils était et ils m’ont répondu : ‘qu’est qu’il faisait là-bas à cet heure-ci ?’
Je n’ai pas eu de nouvelles pendant une heure et demie : ce jour- là mon fils a été pris en garde à vue à 3 heures du matin, je n’ai pas eu des nouvelles de lui pendant une heure et demie. Je n’ai pu le retrouver que par le biais de Muammer Ince. Puis ils ont amené mon fils au commissariat de Dikmen. Ils n’ont pas laissé entrer Monsiuer Ince dedans, ils ne l’ont pas laissé attendre devant le commissariat non plus. Mon fils a été envoyé d’abord au commissariat des enfants puis au procureur. Ils ont traités un enfant de 13 ans comme s’il était un terroriste. Ils l’ont interrogé jusqu’a ce qui était écrit sur son teeshirt. Nous portons plainte, nous n’allons pas laisser cette affaire.
Certificat médical de la faculté de médecine d’Hacettepe : Bien sur nous ne savions pas qu’il avait été battu. Mon fils ne me l’a pas dit pour ne pas me rendre triste. C’est la dame qui avait été prise avec lui qui m’a dit de regarder sur sa tête. Elle m’a dit : ‘ils ont battu l’enfant.’ Il y avait des traces de coup de pied sur ses jambes et se trouvaient des gonflements sur sa tête et derrière son cou. Ils lui auraient donné des coups de pieds.
Le médecin légiste officiel a donné un certificat médical normal comme d’habitude. Nous avons pris un certificat médical attestant les coups, de la faculté de médecine d’Hacettepe. Le premier hôpital que nous avons consulté n’a pas voulu nous donner de certificat médical. Il ne peut pas oublier : Alperen ne va pas bien en ce moment. Il ne peut pas oublier ce qu’il a vécu. Il a été très affecté par ce qui a été fait à la dame qui était avec lui et par le fait qu’elle a été battue. Il explique qu’ils lui ont donné des coups de pieds avec des bottes et qu’ils disaient ‘nous sommes les petits-enfants des Ottomans’

25 Haziran 2013 Salı


Il est exposé que les femmes qui ont été arrêtées pendant la résistance Gezi ont été fouillées nues. Les avocats des protestataires de Gezi arrêtés ont fait des déclarations frappantes pendant une émission de télé qu’ils ont été invités. Les avocats ont déclaré que les femmes  arrêtées ont été fouillées complètement nues.

L’avocat de Ethem Sarısülük, Kazim Bayraktar et des avocats Efkan Bolaç et Ilknur Alcan ont assisté au programme de Banu Güven à +1 TV et ont déclaré que les femmes arrêtées pour participer le 31 mai aux manifestations  étaient soumises à la fouille corporelle complètement déshabillées par des policiers masculins.

L’empreinte digitale de l’une des jeunes filles a été prise par la force par 10 policiers selon Efkan Bolaç qui dit que «il y a des blessures sur son épine dorsale et son cou. Nous avons déposé une plainte pénale concernant ces fouilles corporelles."


It is stated that women who got arrested during Gezi resistance were searched naked. Lawyers of Gezi protestors who got arrested made striking comments during a program they attended on a TV channel. Lawyers stated that women who got arrested during Gezi resistance were searched completely naked.
Ethem Sarısülük’s lawyer Kazım Bayraktar and lawyers Efkan Bolaç and İlknur Alcan attended Banu Güven’s program on +1 TV and stated that women who participated in May 31st resistance and got arrested were subject to completely naked body search by male police officers.
One of the young girls’ fingerprint were forcefully taken by 10 police officers according to Efkan Bolaç and “there are injuries on her spine and neck. We filed a criminal complaint regarding the body searches.”


Department of religious affairs supported pepper gas, which has been used heavily by the police during the June resistance and that the experts consider dangerous to human health.

Department of religious affairs permitted the use of pepper gas, while the arguments over the extra force used by police against the public over the past 3 weeks have continued and PM Erdogan said “I gave the orders”

Department of religious affairs’ call center announced that using pepper gas is permissible under Islam rules. They also said that pepper gas is the least harmful to human health.

The following statements have been made with regard to how using pepper gas is permissible under Islamic rule:

In every country, a method to defend against who use force and who demonstrate in such events is developed. Our government is doing just that. They make it clear that people with asthma should leave before the attacks. It is not right to assess in this way for religious reasons. Other methods of defending against force could have been developed but this is the best one and the least harmful and that’s why it has been used. To disperse the opposition, some kind of action is required. This could be the baton. In other countries, police uses plastic bullets. There is no harm in using pepper gas. If the least harmful is pepper cast, it is most appropriate to intervene with it.

Its harmful effects are documented

It turns out that there was a research study and an ensuing report in 2003 by Istanbul University Medical School with request from the Police Department on as to whether pepper gas is harmful to human health, which has been continuously used across the country during the Gezi resistance events.

Report, which studied the structure and side effects of pepper gas said that pepper gas and particles irritate the mucus on human skin, creates a burning sensation. Additionally, could result in temporary blindness and irritation in eyes. However, none of these effects are permanent.

Following were stated in the report:

At the point of contact pepper gas causes temperate increase and burning sensation. It widens the veins and causes pain. Pepper gas and particles have unwanted effects. They result in sneezing, discharge of fluids from the nose. They cause intolerable burning sensation and temporary blindness.


Our police wrote history of valor. PM Erdogan stated that the police force wrote history of valor and passed the democracy test successfully during the Gezi events. According to TTB reports, 4 people died, 7822, 59 of which in critical condition, got injured. PM Erdogan assessed the attitude of the police force during Gezi events as heroic in his commencement speed for the Police Academy. Erdogan argued according to news websites that the police force, which he called "our police" has passed the democracy test with great success. Erdogan said that police used gas and water against bullets and they had every right to do so. However, even though it has been 10 days since the events, nobody know where and whom attacked the police with guns.

24 Haziran 2013 Pazartesi


On an unexpected moment, in an unexpected way, by unexpected people, history has been written in İstanbul, in Gezi Park…
And after the applied unproportionate violance, it grew in a lot of cities, lot of districts. Unbelievable things have happened… Cases of violance of unbelievable ferocity…

What was it needed for? Why couldn't it concluded to happiness abruptly just like it did in Brasil… Why couldn't be no name calling 'Çapulcu', no use of tear gas and rubber bullets, why they couldn't let the youth do their protest on their tents and leave… it didn't happen. And what's left to us is to collect and compile hopeful but painful and sad stories for future. The witnessing of youth that keeps on since days is still continuing today…

Your name?
- Mahir.

- 22. I'm studying at Agriculture Faculty at Aydın. I came to Istanbul for a few days. My childhood friend Serkan said that he'll be going to Gezi, and I said "I'll come too". I didn't wanted to leave my friend alone. We went.

Were you in the park?
- Yes. There was crowded. Full of life. It had a festive atmosphere. We were looking for a friend of ours. We had our sea goggles with us to be safe. We were at 30m from Gezi. There was a crowded group ahead of us, we were at the very end of that crowd. It was an environment where everybody was happy, young people were laughing, joking around, just like a university cafeteria. Suddenly cops rushed from back alleys. We didn't understood what was happening as we were at the very back of group. There was a tremendous panic, everybody were trying to escape. Just in a moment we were under attack of rubber bullets and tear gas. At that moment I put on my sea goggles.

Where were Serkan?
- Just in front of me. At that moment I heard a "crack" sound, suddenly something hit my sea goggles and it fell into pieces. I felt a sharp pain like a knife entering my body but I couldn't figure out what happened to which side of my body. Blood began to pour from my face. People seeing my face were in horror. Yet, all my concern was not to die. I was running left and right without knowing what to do just for not to die.

Did you see the policeman who fired?
- I couldn't see his face properly but I saw him fire from very close range. We started to run with Serkan to flee from this crossfire. We jumped over the barricade.

How were you able to do these with your eye in that condition?
- When it's your life at stake, you do. At that moment, all that matters was to survive. At some point I noticed that all my tshirt was covered in blood. There was a stretcher behind the barricade, they put me over it and carried to ambulance while yelling "there is wounded, wounded". At the same moment police attacked again to Gezi. Furthermore Serkan has asthma. While they were trying to rush me to the ambulance, those trying to escape from attack were running towards us. Then I found myself at Taksim First Aid Hospital.

What did they do at hospital?
- They cleaned my face. They pointed a light towards my eye, and asked can you see this? I said "No". They took a brain CAT scan and chest film, afterwards they had nothing more they could do there and they transfered me to Beyoğlu Ophtalmology Hospital. Another doctor examined me there. He was young. He told me "You are not going to be able to see anymore!" as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Thank God, I'm a calm person. And I never want to upset anybody. Serkan was already devastated at that point, he fainted, they opened an IV line on him and gave a serum drip.

What was the first thing that came to your mind when they said "You lost your eye"?
- How am I going to tell this to my parents. Because I knew they were going to be very sorry. But there is no way to tell this without making people sad. Serkan told what happened to my dad, not to my mom, so he came. But they couldn't be the same again since that day.

Did you get an operation?
- Yes, at Beyoğlu Ophtalmology Hospital they operated on me the next day. The operator was a very understanding professor. He told me that maybe I may have hope of seeing again. Considering there were people who lost their lives, I guess I can consider my self lucky. The only thing I can say on this subject is: I wish they fired to my leg, insted of my eye…

- Selim.

- 23.

What have you gone through?
- What happened to me is a little bir weird. Last monday, I was going for paying my electricity bill, but I got taken under custody.

How come?
- I didn't knew the exact place, I had two friends with me. People told us "it's behind Habertürk building", we looked around there. We saw some folks there, I asked "Sir, Where is Bedaş?", he asked "What are you going to do?", I said "We are going to pay our bill". All of a sudden, he said "Show your ID!". It turned out they were undercover cops. We showed our IDs. We didn't have anything suspicious on us like gas mask or anything… They took us under custody!

On what grounds?
- I had card of LGBT on my pocket. They took us for having a stall on Gezi Park.

Haven't you asked "What's the relation"?
- I asked, they didn't listen. That day even people going out to purchase bread have been taken under custody. Ofcourse we were buffled. They hit my friend beside me, they hit him on the neck.

- Because he said “We are not member of any organization, we are LGBT”. They beat him while saying “How can you be a f.g? How can you live such an unhonorable life!". Then they took the three of us to Police Headquarters on Vatan Street. There we were asked again "Which organization are you member of?", I said "Not an organization or political party, We are LGBT". The officer asked me "What is LGBT?", I said "Support group of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender/Transvestite people". Suddenly he got mad, He said "Aren't you a man? How can you be attracted to a man!". Afterwards they said "You are gay, you would have sex" and put us in a separate cell while everybody else was detained in a common cell. It was very humiliating. Normal duration limit for holding in custody is 24 hours, they kept us detained 36 hours. They didn't give us food or water. They acted as if we were terorists. They performed psychological violence to us. When our lawyers arrived, they released us. Now I wonder, what was my offense? All I wanted was to pay my electricity bill…

My name is Ferda... Word "Ferda" means "tomorrow" or "future". That's why I was one of the protestors at Gezi. For beautiful days, sunny tomorrows and free future. In this 17 days, there, we had wonderful days at the tent my brother had built. My brother Mehmet is a medicine student, he was on call at the infirmary at Gezi. At June 11th I called my brother many times but he didn't answer. When I was going to Taksim after work I received his message telling "I'm fine but it's bad around here. Don't come in any circumstance, there are wounded…" Was it possible for me not to go? I left office, and went straight to Gezi. In front of Diven Hotel Police was literally fighting with some young people as if it was a war! At least 2000 people were shouting slogans in front of Divan, tear gas canisters were constantly thrown towards entrance of Gezi Park by Divan Otel, and a car was being set on fire meanwhile. Gas and smoke was everywhere. I went and bought a mask and goggles from a street vendor. I plunged towards Gezi through the smoke and went straight to infirmary. My brother was attending a patient trying to breathe through entubation. He was a little mad when he saw me but even then he didn't have time for me. There were still patients waiting for medical attention on triage and new wounded arriving. He said "A boy was brought in the morning. His name was Evren; his skull was fructured to pieces. He had a tag on his neck stating that he was an organ donor. I performed the first intervention, then we transfered him to hospital. Hope he recovers, he was in a critical condition". It was as if he was going to cry if I touch, so I couldn't... In front of my eyes were a girl whose head was split open, a boy whose leg was being stitched, another one burned with acidified water from TOMA vehicle… Then I started to help my brother like an assistant, using my knowledge of medications from the days I volunteered on an infirmary. "Bring the cooler, there is no anti-acid solution left, prepare diluted Talcid.", meanwhile Mom was calling "We are watching from Halk TV, they are throwing gas bombs to square, police are entering Gezi, they demolished the library. Where are you? Get out of there, come home!" she said. I say "We are OK mom, we are at the infirmary" and rush to hangup the phone while she was still saying "but TV shows them throwing tear gas to infirmary". People shouting "Stretcher, stretcher…" Wounded start to pour, heads and eyes cut open… "Stitch… Who is available to stitch?", "Bring entubation… Roll a mat to the floor… No more bed available… Bandage… Neck Brace…" those were the sounds I heard. It was as if we were literally at war! A child my age arrives, with arms streched on both sides, he says "don't touch, I'm burning". They cut open his tshirt to remove it, apply coolant spray and lotion. Kid is still burning, all over his body. They take him inside, he takes off his pants. He is left totaly nude. The critical burns are below his waist… We call ambulance, his friends arrive, they cover him with a thin sheet and transfer him. Meanwhile tear gas keep being fired non-stop. At that moment my brother removes a rubber bullet from the leg of a young boy from Çarşı, once again blood covers everywhere, boy has his head cut open too but hadn't noticed, blood on his hairs, my brother gets puzzled where to stitch next. Cops, primeminister, ministers have lost sense… Governor who assured "There will be no police intervention!" while addressing press also lost all sense… We trusted him, believed him, but what did he do?, what kind of withering of conscience is this! My anger is much larger than his chair, his money, his world! For making me suffer, for making thousands of people suffer… For making my mother cry on the phone… For Ethem, For Evren, For those who died, For thousands who got wounded… It's 12am, Gezi is resisting, humanity is dying… On one side at the entrance of square the equipments and medications at Gezi infirmary are being carried to infirmary established in front of Divan Hotel from hand to hand. Along with songs, applauses and slogans… They are launching tear gas, but no body seems to care. We resisted all night long, it passed liked this, wounded, ambulances… I saw crying doctors… I cried, for my beautiful country, for my future… But then I stood straight, I said "If you want a free future, keep resisting!", "My name is Ferda, future is me, us…"

- Kaya.
- I graduated from medical school. I'm generalist medical doctor.
How and when you joined this movement?
- I was in it since the begining. Park is just beside my house. I heard the trees being but down. I started going there everyday after work. Afterwards, the violance events that everybody knows have occured. I got my share of tear gas bombs on May 31st. I have chronic bronchitis, also I have Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. My first contact with gas was around Talimhane. All of a sudden I couldn't breathe anymore. I felt as I was dying. I barely found a place to take cover, and barely made it. Till that day I was a 'supporter', after that day I became a 'resistor'.
When you decided to support this as a doctor as well?
- When I saw how hopeless people were against this unproportionate attacks. There was an infirmary that I work at Talimhane. I asked the owner "A lot of people are in great distress, we need to help them, can we use this clinic?", He said "Sure". Then I started to provide emergency medical attention to people who got trapped at that area.
To whom?
- For example a 50 year old woman with asthma. She was severly exposed to gas, she was on the brink of asphyxiation, I carried her to clinic, gave her oxygene. Then to people who got shot with rubber bullets on arms and legs. I stitched a guy whose earlobe was detached, his ear was bleeding to inside, I performed a closing stitch on open tissue and transported him to hospital emergency. I performed first aid to someone who was sprayed tear gas directly to the face in very short distance. Those people were neither able to open their eyes, nor properly breathe. Lots of youngsters with chemical burns, fractures, respiratory failures… The cases of cheek bone fractures, those who lost their eyes… I felt compelled to attend to all wounded with no discrimination on religion, language, race, sex, political opinion. I was going to help Policemen too; which I eventually did…
Were you expecting such a violence?
- Ofcourse not.
How would you describe the atmosphere at Gezi?
- I was formidable. Everybody was there as a color of its own. Everybody had different sub-identities. There I came together with groups which I never thought I could empathise with.
- Like nationalists (ulusalcilar). I couldn't believe in my dream that we can understand and tolerate each other; but it happened. I'm Kurdish, gay and Christian. As you can see I'm the core of "the other one"! Being together with nationalists made me uncomfortable during first days. But as I got closer, I saw that they weren't that bad. We listened to each other, we chatted. The sympathy we created there as LGBT individuals was important. People noticed that gays do not consist solely of something 'sexual'. Gezi became an education process for all of us. Our tolerance towards each other, and conscience for nature and environment has improved on all of us. I find this very important. There was an unprecedented sharing which I have never seen before.
Some kind of 'revolution of consciousness'?
- Yes. In a classical sense something different from what socialists and communists mean with 'revolution'. 'Revolution' is not strictly overthrowing a government. Forcing the political government to wake up is also a kind of revolution. This was what we were trying to do. What we were trying to say was very simple: "Please open up your ears and listen to us! Hear us, accept our presence. With your policies you are constantly pushing us away, suppresing us. Stop doing this!"
What about last saturday…
- Once again the same scenario. Nobody was expecting an attack. Taksim Support Group (Taksim Dayanışması) connected live from square at 3am after speaking with Prime Minister. They said "We have spoken with Prime Minister. Per our communication there will be no intervention of any kind to Gezi before Supreme Court makes a ruling or results of a referendum appers". With the ease of this news, people left behind their protective equipment. This is the main reason why more people got wounded on that tear gas attack. They got cought completely off guard. If they could wait two more hours, everything would be already over by itself. Governor was saying "Hopefully I'll come to drink your tea". Banners were taken down, people had returned to a festive atmosphere, it was then they attacked…
What did you do?
- I took my bag, but couldn't bring my oxygene tube. Haven't got a chance; because they directly entered inside the tent. We were rşght in the middle of park, they attacked from both sides. It was impossible to see around. There were many without masks. People were going to crush each other. Thank God, people there had learned how to behave in such situation by being gassed for last 20 days. Everybody was warning each other; "Don't run, keep calm!". When they managed to get out of the park they once again got exposed to violance. Everywhere was full of people. We took shelter on a hotel nearby. First they let us in, then they said "You have to get out. Police have spoken with us, they say they won't intervene". If you take us in, why you kick us out later? I helped a lot of people there. Then we got kicked out. We walked a little, then again got tear gassed. One end of attack at Elmadağ, other end at Sisli, they launched so much gas that thousands of people got devastated. We were forced to took shelter on a friends house at Harbiye. Tear gas was launched all night long on back alleys.
Hadn't you got affraid?
- Not being affraid?! Ofcourse I got affraid alot. But down the street there was a wounded. He was lying on his side. He had both chemical burn and an open cut on his leg. With whatever I could find at my friend's house, some antibiotic lotion, a piece of sheet, I got down to him, cleaned his wound. Took him up on his feet and carried him to a safer place…