“Some people felt smaller as Turkey got bigger. A dirty plan has been engaged against our party and our world leader prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Thank God for providing us a leader such as Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Tayyip Erdoğan, is the good news the our God has sent to this people, to this country, to humanity and this people will keep holding this good news like a crown on their head. Today, it's time to unite. Because what moved us is not inspiration, it's faith.”
Minister for European Union Egemen Bağış, evaluated the current events on his declaration.
Bağış said that we are living a period where Turkey is taking the biggest steps to become a global power, but some people are uncomfortable about this.
Bağış, recorded the following:
“Some people felt smaller as Turkey got bigger. A dirty plan has been engaged against our party and our world leader prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Thank God for providing us a leader such as Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Tayyip Erdoğan, is the good news the our God has sent to this people, to this country, to humanity and this people will keep holding this good news like a crown on their head. Today, it's time to unite. Because what moved us is not inspiration, it's faith.”
"They tried to relent us with threats and assasinations, but we didn't changed our standing"
Minister Bağış who reminded the words 'we get on this road by taking our shrouds on our pockets' of Prime minister Erdoğan, said they too get on the road the same way, “We accepted to get in the mud to clean the filth, poison felt tastier than honey for us. Through the leadership of our Prime minister we promised, vowed to work for the future of this country. We didn’t fall, we didn’t giveup. Here, with this faith we made our country live new legends. Through the synergy of the brotherhood we built together, we will write new legends, have no worries”.
“Thanks to our prime minister some of them got the opportunity to get to know a mosque for the first time”
Bağış said that the events started by sincere environmentalists at the beginning took an all new face today, added “Centers of evil who understood that they cannot defeat us with the force of their wrist, started their usual shadow play, and they do not hesitate to use our children as tools for this. With this regard we saw the hypocrisy of Western media and have seen the true color of their sentiments for us once again. Western media made a mistake. They thought they can pull a Tahrir out of Taksim. But you can’t pull a Tahrir from Taksim. Those who say that spring has arrived to our country must understand this; it has been long time since spring has arrived to Turkey. If there is a civil resistance movement in this country, it is AK Party. The point these protests came to of course damaged our people and country a lot; but it has also been an occasion for things that made me very happy. I thank to our Prime minister for this; because through our Prime minister some of them had the opportunity to see a mosque for the first time. Although it wasn’t appropriate to required etiquette but this still was an occasion, Inşallah. Also thanks to our prime minister, protestors gathered and passed kandil (*religious day) by listening to Kur’an and saying prayers. Even, there has been Cuma Namazi (*friday mass prayer) on Taksim. Inşallah, this protests become an occasion to their salvation. Let’s pray together for this. Inşallah, they turn this in to a habit after the protests too.”
"The only ones who got provoked will be provocateurs themselves"
Bağış who explained that the events occuring is being tried to shown as a resistance movement, added as follows:
“This are protests to purge Recep Tayyip Erdoğan; but our organization will not allow Recep Tayyip Erdoğan get eaten. They are becoming rabid as they see Tayyip Erdoğan get even stronger; and they attack around as they become rabid. They are not just attacking; they try to prevent Turkey from getting bigger, advanced and developed. The foundation for the 3rd bridge has been laid, the tender for the 3rd airport has been awarded for 30 billion euro, and the interest rates kept declining. This is an operation to shrink the growing Turkey and turn the economy head over heels.”
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