11 Haziran 2013 Salı


RTUK (Radio and Television Supreme Council) fined the TV channels Ulusal TV, Halk TV, EM TV and Cem TV, on the grounds that they "encouraged violence by broadcasting Gezi Park protests".
RTUK fined the four TV channels known for their broadcasts opposing the government. It was claimed that Ulusal TV, Halk TV, Cem TV and EM TV encouraged violence during their broadcasts of Gezi Park protests.
According to information obtained by Gazeteport, reports regarding the four TV channels that broadcasted Gezi Park movement were discussed during a RTUK meeting. RTUK members from the opposition CHP party objected that the Head of Monitoring and Assesment Department, in spite of his being removed from office by court order, continued serving on acting basis and prepared the reports on Gezi Park broadcasts.

It attracted attention that RTUK, which usually discuss and finalise decisions on TV channel programmes months after they are broadcast, discussed urgently the last week's broadcasts of these four TV channels. In the reports, it was recommended to issue a warning to and fine the four TV channels based on the grounds that they encouraged violence during their broadcasts on Gezi movement.

RTUK's CHP party based members Hulya Alp and Suleyman Demirkan as well as the MHP party based member Esat Ciplak, defended the four TV channels for fulfilling the people's freedom of access to information while many other TV channels kept silent during the first days of Gezi Park protests. They objected to inflicting penalty.
However, the five AKP party based members of RTUK approved the penalty based on reports. As a result, Halk TV, Cem TV, EM TV and Ulusal TV were fined 11 thousand Turkish Lira and were issued a penalty notice.


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