18 Haziran 2013 Salı

Christiane Amanpour: Shame on you Takvim for publishing FAKE interview with me!

Mevlüt Yüksel who reported the imaginary interview, wrote "Hi Christiane, I'm the reporter who conducted the imaginary interview. Did you think this was real? This is just sarcasm." in response.

Christiane Amanpour anchor of daily interview program Amanpour, reacted on twitter to imaginary interview published on newspaper Takvim as full page cover story. Christine Amanpour shared the message "Shame on you @Takvim for publishing FAKE interview with me!" on twitter.

Takvim newspaper responded to this tweet promptly. The reporter Mevlüt Yüksel who reported the imaginary interview tweeted back as "Hi Christiane, I'm the reporter who conducted the imaginary interview. Did you think this was real? This is just sarcasm.", "@camanpour if you want to contact me... Ask @arwaCNN", "Mrs. Amanpour responded to Takvim, therefore me.We responded back.I hope she understood".

Amanpour, said to IMC TV reported who contacted her:"CNN International will make an announcement, I don't want to talk about this issue any more".


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