8 Haziran 2013 Cumartesi


To the Government and the Citizens of Turkey

The resistance, which started in May 27 in Taksim, İstanbul and in several cities all around Turkey against Taksim Gezi Park’s demolition has reached its eleventh day.

During these eleven days, we, as Taksim Solidarity, have been raising our demands in every sphere. We share with the suffering of the families of the deceased Abdullah Cömert, Mehmet Ayvalıtaş and Mustafa Sarı, and we wish for the recovery of thousands of blessed.

On the 5th of June, we conveyed the demands of Taksim Solidarity and of the people in the square. Since then, neither our demands have been met, nor an action has been taken. The police violence continues in several cities of Turkey.

Following the meeting held between the Government and Taksim Solidarity June 5, there haven’t been any requests for meeting the solidarity. We call the government to act responsibly, hear our demands and take serious steps in order to actualize the demands.

The demands of the solidarity are crystal clear; however we want to state them once again:

• Taksim Gezi Park will not be re-developed under the name of Artillery Barracks or any other project; an official statement on the cancellation of the current project is made; the attempts to demolish Ataturk Cultural Centre stop,

• Every responsible agent for the thousands of injured people and two deaths, starting with the Governors and the Police Chiefs of Istanbul, Ankara and Hatay and everyone who prevented the use of the most basic democratic rights of the people; who gave orders for violent repression, enforced or implemented these orders are dismissed from their posts,

• The use of tear gas bombs and other similar materials is prohibited,

• Detained citizens who attended the resistance across the country are immediately released and an official statement which declares that there will not be any investigation about them,

• Starting with Taksim and Kizilay squares, all the meeting and demonstration bans effecting all of our squares and public areas and all the de facto blockings are abolished and stopped and barriers to freedom of expression are removed.

The addressee of the government is certain. The demans are obvious. We call government to take account into social reactions, act responsibly and fulfill the requirements of the demands which are being expressed by millions of people everyday.

We expect all of our citizens who are claiming their rights to their city to their Gezi Park and to all their demands, to our rally which will be held June, 9 16.00 PM at Taksim Square. We will be here until our demands are met.

Taksim Solidarity

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