Press Release of Teachers and Students of Galatasaray University
Istanbul, June 6, 2013.
During the events that unfolded in Dolmabahçe (Istanbul) as part of protests around the Park Gezi, 76 people were taken into custody Tuesday, June 4th at 1:30 am. Everyone was released after being questioned by the prosecutor. Among those arrested were four students who came to Turkey as part of Erasmus student exchange program. One of them is French: it is Lorraine Klein, currently a student at Galatasaray University. She was brought to the Foreigners and Immigrants Division of the police where it is still held. The authorities wait for the official papers to get ready to apply the same procedure to other Erasmus students under arrest.
According to information released by the press, like all the others in custody, the arrest of the students is based on charges of "undermining the authority of the State; posing threat to national security and public order, participating in demonstrations in which public and private property were demolished and held to occupy the offices of ministries, National Assembly and Prime Minister; trying to overthrow the government; and trying to put government in a difficult situation on international level". According to the information published in the press, we learn that these students face the ridiculous charge of acting as "provocators" during the protests.
It is possible that a deportation ruling is made for these students. While those who have been placed in custody because of the events are released, international students face a different procedure just because they are foreigners. This is unacceptable and unfair. Release order by the prosecutor after the interrogation prove that there is not even any need to resort to legal procedures for these students. However, in an explicitly discriminatory attitude, foreign students including Lorraine Klein, are under threat of deportation. We need to fight for such a ruling not to be taken. This would be a direct violation of international principle of non-discrimination, which is mandated by the Treaty on Human Rights to which Turkey is a signatory.
It is for this reason that Erasmus students who are under threat of deportation, should be immediately released and allowed to continue their studies.
Teachers and students of Galatasaray University
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