54% of Taksim protestors are on the street for the first time
The survey, conducted on the internet by Esra Ercan Bilgiç and Zehra Kafkaslı from Istanbul Bilgi University Communication Faculty, was available for 20 hours and answered by 3000 people.
According to the survey, most of those who participated in the protests identify themselves as "Libertarian". They claim that the authoritarian attitude of prime minister, police brutality and violation of democratic rights are the primary reasons for their participation to protests.
While those who agree with the statement "there should be a military intervention" are at 6.6%, those who oppose are at 79.5%.
*The profile of Protestors
39.6% of respondents are in 19-25 age group and 24% are in the 26-30 age group.
While 75.8% of respondents participate to the protests by going out to the streets, 53.7% claim that they have not participated on a mass public action before.
70% of the protestors do not identify themselves with any political party, 17.7% is indecisive about this; only 15.3% claim to feel close to a political party.
*How do they describe themselves?
Most of those who participate on the protests find the attribute "Libertarian" most applicable to themselves. 81.2% "strongly agree" with the statement "I am libertarian". This is followed by 64.5%. who "strongly agree" with "I am secular". The percentage of those who disagree with "I am apolitic" is 54.5.
Those who "disagree" with the statement "Voted for Ak Party" are at 92.1% and those who "disagree" with the statement "I am Conservative" is at 75%.
*Why are they there?
Respondents were asked the reasons and the degree to which they have affected their decision to support protests. Based on that:
-92.4% "strongly agree" that "Prime ministers authoritarian attitude affected"
-91.3% "strongly agree" that "Excessive use of force by police affected"
-91.1% "strongly agree" that "Violation of democratic rights affected "
-84.2% strongly agree" for "Silence of media affected"
- 56.2% "strongly agree" that "Cutting down trees affected"
- 7.7% "strongly agree" that "The guidance of the political party they are affiliated with affected"
*What do they want?
Respondents were asked what they want. Based on that:
- 96.7% "strongly agree" that "Police brutality should stop".
- 96.1% "strongly agree" that "Freedom should be respected from now on"
- 37.0% "strongly agree" that "A new political party should be founded"
- 6.6% "strongly agree" that "Army should intervene", while 2.3% "agree", 11.7% is "undecided", and 79.5% "disagree"
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