9 Temmuz 2013 Salı

Slingshots and brass knuckles for the Police!

Slingshots and brass knuckles for the Police!


It has been discovered that the riot police which is known with its heavy attacks against activists during the Gezi Park protests is now being fortified further. It is reported that it was imported for the police forces

brass knuckles, slingshots and filled sticks apart from pepper

As a result of the AKP government's efforts to fortify police

forces during its rule between 2002-2012,

595,086 tons of pepper gas was imported. It was discovered

that the imported gas was classified as "arms against

predators" for import tax tariff purposes.

According to a report by soL newspaper, the reply to the opposition party's MP for Kocaeli Mr. Lutfu Turkkan's bill addressed to the

Minister of Duty and Commerce Mr Hayati Yazici unearthed some

grave practices in regards to the government's fortifying the

police forces. Minister Yazici, stated in his reply to the

bill that between the years 2000-2012, 651.5 thousands of tons

of pepper gas was imported and the maximum amount imported was

115 thousands of tons in 2005. Mr Yazici stated that last

year 43.6 thousands of tons of pepper gas was imported

together with coshes, clubs, filled sticks, brass knuckles,

slingshots, shotguns and guns.

Classified as "arms against predators"

Another scandalous detail was unearthed in the reply to the bill. Pepper gas imported for the police is defined as arms against predators in customs.

What is the Police planning to do with the slingshots?

It is now questioned what kind of intervention the police forces will do with the knuckles, slingshots, shotguns, injection arms that are normally used against wild animals that are supplied besides pepper gas, water cannon and cosh. There are question marks about what kind of attacks are about to be made to the people after this process of fortifying the police forces by the AKP government.

There had been claims before about the riot police having used slingshots in many protests. The bill's findings seem to have solidified the claims that some so-called activists that were accused of using slingshots were actually police officers. Also, another controversial matter is based on which legal grounds the riot police will use slingshots, knuckles, injections and clubs if the so-called activists who were blamed of using slingshots were committing a crime according to the police.



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